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User's Guide to NCAR CCM3.6 Search Page

3. CCM3.6 Internals
    3.3 Data Structures
        3.3.2 Grid-point Data Structures History Buffer

Data written to the history files are maintained in a separate buffer distinct from the main model buffers. This buffer may be cycled to the SSD (unit sunit) or maintained in-core. In either case its existence must span several time levels because most fields written to the history file are time-averaged. Therefore, the data must be carried across time levels between the outfld calls which accumulate them into the history buffer. The history buffer is maintained as a singly-dimensioned array, with integer pointers delimiting locations of the various fields within the history buffer array. Refer to "Details of  CCM3 Input and Output Datasets" under "History Buffer" for more information.

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