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3. CCM3.6 Internals
    3.5 Output Datasets
        3.5.1 History Files History Buffer

The history buffer is dynamically allocated storage space that is used to accumulate history file data fields. As described in Sec. 2.2, several namelist variables are used to define the fields written to each history file (primary and auxiliary). Recall that the variable NHTFRQ(i) indicates when each time sample will be written, and NINAVG(i) tells what type of field should be output (averaged, instantaneous, etc.). Since many iterations may pass before time samples are output to a history file, it is necessary to have storage space available in which the history file fields can be accumulated and stored.  Namelist variables PRIMARY, EXCLUDE, and AUXF permit the user to specify which fields to save in the primary history file and which, if any, to save in the auxiliary history files. The model uses this information along with the default fields on the Master Field List (see Table 2.13) to determine the history buffer length (set to the variable lhbuf) required to store the all the history fields.  The model then dynamically declares the memory needed to hold the history buffer.

Figure 3.9 depicts the history buffer for a case in which the user has requested two auxiliary history files in addition to the primary history file. The history buffer is represented by the vertical rectangle in the center of the figure. Notice that the buffer is divided into three sections, the first corresponding to the portion of memory devoted to fields on the primary history file, followed by the portions allotted to the first and second auxiliary files, respectively. The values in array hbufpt point to the starting word of the latitude data record for each history file in the buffer. Arrays nplen and nrlen contain the packed and unpacked field lengths of each data record. Recall namelist variable NDENS(i) specifies the packing density of fields in each history file. For the buffer shown in Figure 3.9, NDENS(1)=2, thus nplen(1) (the packed length) is one-half the length of nrlen(1) (the unpacked length) as shown.

Figure 3.9. History buffer layout.

Allocation of memory for the history buffer occurs during the initialization phase of a run, in subroutine intht. If the buffer is contained entirely in-core, then the model calls routine getmem to dynamically allocate a segment of in-core memory of length plat x lhbuf. The storage address of the first word in this in-core memory block is pointed to by the Cray pointer phbufic and its associated two-dimensional pointee array hbufic(lhbuf,plat). After being allocated, the in-core history buffer exists and is accessible for the remainder of the run.

During the time integration phase, field values to be output to a history file are accumulated in the history buffer. For each field that will be saved in the history buffer, a call is made to routine outfld. Calls to outfld occur within a multitasked loop over latitudes, from routines linemsbc or linemsac and below. When running multitasked, each process will perform calls to outfld and load the history buffer with fields from a single latitude index.  Access to the section of the in-core history buffer relevant to that latitude index is facilitated by the pointer array hbuf. The following block of code, extracted from linemsbc, shows how this is accomplished.


        subroutine linemsbc(lat   ,tdt   ,ps   ,psm1  ,u3  ,
    pointer (phbuf,hbuf)
    real hbuf(lhbuf)           ! history buffer pointee array
     if (incorhst) then
       phbuf = loc(hbufic(1,lat))   !in-core history buffer
     call outfld('PS      ',psm1,plond,lat,hbuf)

In this code, lat refers to the particular latitude index that is being calculated, and is passed as an argument to linemsbc from a multitasked loop in scan1bc. The pointee array hbuf is associated with the portion of hbufic that corresponds to lat (since INCORHST is true when the buffer is in-core). The call to outfld that is shown will load the surface pressure array, psm1, into the history buffer. A similar call to outfld exists for every history file field.

If the history buffer is declared out-of-core, the model will use the SSD to accumulate history file fields. If no SSD exists, then the model will use a local disk file to store the out-of-core history buffer. This should be avoided since disk I/O is typically very slow. As described in "Out-of-Core Data Storage: The SSD Work Units" , the SSD is high-speed, out-of-core secondary storage that is accessed using Fortran read and write statements. Thus, the out-of-core history buffer can be thought of as a direct access Fortran file with extremely fast I/O. The SSD file contains plat data records, each of length lhbuf. When the model needs to accumulate fields in the history buffer (from within multitasked routines linemsbc and linemsac), the following steps are executed on each processor:

The following block of code shows how the out-of-core history buffer is accessed in linemsbc. This differs from the previous block of code shown, in that, it includes code to access the out-of-core history buffer from the SSD.

        subroutine linemsbc(lat   ,tdt   ,ps   ,psm1  ,u3  ,
    pointer (phbuf,hbuf)
    real hbuf(lhbuf)          ! history buffer pointee array
    if (incorhst) then
      phbuf = loc(hbufic(1,lat))   !in-core history buffer
      call getmem(`LINEMSBC',lhbuf,phbuf) !out-of-core hbuf
      call readric(sunit,hbuf,lhbuf,lat)
    call outfld('PS      ',psm1,plond,lat,hbuf)
    if (.not.incorhst) then
      call writeric(sunit,hbuf,lhbuf,lat) ! write to SSD
      call freemem(phbuf)

Again, the current latitude index lat is passed as an argument to linemsbc from scan1bc. The pointee array hbuf and its pointer phbuf are then declared. Because INCORHST is false when the history buffer is kept out-of-core, the model calls getmem and readric to access the history buffer as described in the steps above. Just as with the in-core history buffer, fields are accumulated in array hbuf via calls to outfld, as shown for the surface pressure array psm1. After all history fields have been loaded into the hbuf array, and prior to executing the return statement in linemsbc, the history buffer fields are written to the out-of-core history buffer on the SSD by calling routine writeric. Once this has been completed, freemem is called to release the in-core memory and return it to the heap.

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