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3. CCM3.6 Internals
    3.5 Output Datasets
        3.5.1 History Files Latitude Data Records

Following the header records in each time sample are the latitude data records. All words in a latitude data record are 8-byte floating point numbers written out in the native machine representation. So on the Cray the values will be written out as 8-byte Cray floating point numbers while on a SGI workstation, for example, they will be written out at 8-byte IEEE floating point numbers. When the model is multitasked the latitude records are written in a random order. This occurs because writing of the latitude data records into a sequential access disk file occurs from within a multitasked loop over latitudes (in linemsbc). So a given latitude is written when the processor that calculates that latitude is finished.

Figure 3.8 illustrates a typical latitude record of a time sample within a history file. In this figure, latitude record number 5 (the fifth latitude from the southern-most) is depicted for T42 horizontal resolution. This figure also shows how the pointers in MFLDS relate to the field data contained in the record, along with the variable names in mcflds.

Figure 3.8. A Typical history file latitude record.

A few important items to notice about the latitude data record are listed below:

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