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User's Guide to NCAR CCM3.6 Search Page

3. CCM3.6 Internals
    3.3 Data Structures
        3.3.2 Grid-point Data Structures Out-of-Core Data Storage: The SSD Work Units

Data flow to and from the out-of-core units is depicted in Figure 3.3 for the main model buffers and the radiation buffer. The buffers are portrayed by vertical rectangles, and the out-of-core work units by the multi-layered cylinders. Each layer of a cylinder represents a latitude slice of data. The arrows connecting the buffers to the out-of-core units show the specific multitasked routines that perform the I/O. nra1nrb1, and nabem are the Fortran unit numbers associated with the out-of-core work units.  On startup, subroutine inidat does the initial copy of data from the main model buffers to units nra1 and nrb1. Data flow between the history buffer and out-of-core work unit sunit is analogous to the main model buffers. All I/O is synchronous. In addition to being simpler and easier to understand than an asynchronous double-buffering scheme, single-buffered, synchronous I/O allows the use of standard Fortran read and write, which makes porting the code to different computer architectures an easier task. On Cray machines, CCM3.6 uses the UNICOS "Secondary Data Segment" (SDS) file interface on the SSD for the work files required by the out-of-core implementation. These files are written as Fortran direct access files, where each record represents a latitude band of data. All I/O to the out-of-core work units is done as unblocked files. Record size is computed by rounding up to the nearest multiple of 512 words. This saves an enormous amount of system CPU time which would otherwise have to be spent blocking and unblocking the data records for the user.

Figure 3.3.Use of SSD Work Units.


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