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3. CCM3.6 Internals
    3.3 Data Structures
        3.3.2 Grid-point Data Structures Local Workspace

Nearly all local workspace declared in individual routines is stack-based such that variables declared local to a given subroutine exist only during the lifetime of that routine, disappearing upon execution of the return statement. This approach has the advantage of allowing the user to declare workspace wherever it is required, without having to worry about clobbering space that another routine needs. A stack-based memory management scheme is vital for multitasking considerations. This topic is discussed in more detail in "Multitasking Strategy" .

Space for locally declared variables is allocated statically (i.e. not on the stack) only for those variables which are initialized with a data statement, or explicitly mentioned in a save statement. When a variable is allocated statically, its value is preserved between calls to the routine in which it is declared. 

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