- Abraham, Nathan Luke, NCAS/University of Cambridge
- Aikin, Kenneth, NOAA
- Akiyoshi, Hideharu, NIES
- Albers, John, Colorado State
- Alexander, M. Joan, NWRA
- Archibald, Alexander, University of Cambridge NCAS - Cambridge
- Arfeuille, Florian, University of Bern
- Ayarzagüena, Blanca, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Meterologie
- Barnes, Elizabeth, Colorado State University
- Baughcum, Steven, Boeing Company
- Bergman, John, BAERI
- Bodeker, Greg, Bodeker Scientific
- Botek, Edith, BIRA-IASB
- Bouarar, Idir, LATMOS/UPMC/CNRS
- Braesicke, Peter, NCAS/University of Cambridge
- Brioude, Jerome, CIRES/CU
- Butchart, Neal, Met Office Hadley Centre
- Cameron-Smith, Philip, LLNL
- Chen, Gao, NASA Langley Research Center
- Chipperfield, Martyn, University of Leeds
- Cionni, Irene, ENEA (Italian Energy, New Technology and Sustainable Development Agency)
- Clark, Hannah, CNRS, Laboratoire D'Aerologie
- Cooper, Owen, CIRES U. of Colorado/NOAA ESRL
- Davis, Sean, NOAA ESRL
- Dessler, Andrew, Texas A&M
- Dhomse, Sandip, University of Leeds
- Douglass, Anne, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Duncan, Bryan, NASA
- Emmons, Louisa, NCAR
- Evans, Mathew, NCAS / U of York
- Eyring, Veronika, Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
- Fahey, David, NOAA/ESRL
- Fiore, Arlene, LDEO/Columbia
- Flocke, Frank, NCAR
- Froidevaux, Lucien, Jet Propulsion Laboratory/ Caltch
- Frost, Gregory, NOAA, CU/CIRES
- Garcia, Rolando, NCAR
- Gettelman, Andrew, National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Gille, John, NCAR and U. of Colorado
- Goldstein, Allen, University of California at Berkeley/IGAC
- Granier, Claire, LATMOS/IPSL and NOAA/CIRES
- Hannigan, Jim, NCAR
- Hansen, Ayoe, NIWA
- Hardiman, Steven, Met Office Hadley Centre
- Hegglin, Michaela, University of Reading
- Henze, Daven, University of Colorado Boulder
- Hess, Peter, Cornell University
- Homeyer, Cameron, NCAR-ACD
- Honomichl, Shawn, NCAR
- Hornbrook, Rebecca, ACD/NCAR
- Huijnen, Vincent, KNMI
- Jiang, Xiaoyan, NCAR
- Josse, Beatrice, Meteo-France
- Karpechko, Alexey, Finnish Meteorological Institute
- Kim, Si-Wan, U. of Colorado
- Kinnison, Doug, NCAR
- Klekociuk, Andrew, Australian Antarctic Divison
- Kremser, Stefanie, Bodeker Scientific
- Lacey, Forrest, University of Colorado Boulder
- Lamarque, Jean-Francois, NCAR
- Li, Feng, Universities Space Research Association
- Lin, Meiyun, NOAA GFDL/Princeton University
- Liu, Hongyu, NIA / NASA Langley
- Luhar, Ashok, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
- Madronich, Sasha, NCAR
- Manney, Gloria, NorthWest Research Associates & NM Tech
- Marsh, Dan, NCAR
- Melamed, Megan, IGAC
- Michou, Martine, CNRM/METEO-FRANCE
- Mills, Michael, NCAR
- Moore, Fred, NOAA/GMD
- Morgenstern, Olaf, NIWA
- Murray, Lee, Harvard University
- Nagashima, Tatsuya, NIES
- Neely, Ryan, NCAR/ASP
- Neu, Jessica, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech
- Newman, Paul, NASA/GSFC
- Nicely, Julie, University of Maryland
- O'Connor, Fiona, Met Office Hadley Centre
- Oman, Luke, NASA/GSFC
- Pan, Laura, NCAR/ACD
- Park, Mijeong, NCAR
- Parrish, David, NOAA/ESRL/CSD
- Patra, Prabir, Research Institute for Global Change/JAMSTEC
- Perlwitz, Judith, University of Colorado
- Peter, Thomas, ETH Zürich
- Plummer, David, Environment Canada
- Polvani, Lorenzo, Columba University
- Portmann, Robert, NOAA ESRL Chemical Sciences Division
- Prather, Michael, UC Irvine
- Randel, William, NCAR
- Ray, Eric, NOAA/ESRL
- Reichler, Thomas, U. of Utah
- Revell, Laura, ETH Zurich
- Richter, Jadwiga, NCAR/NESL
- Rosen, Richard D., NOAA/CPO
- Ryerson, Tom, NOAA Chemical Sciences Division
- Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso, CSIC
- Salawitch, Ross, University of Maryland
- Schlager, Hans, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
- Schwarz, Joshua, NOAA/CIReS
- Shepherd, Ted, University of Reading
- Shindell, Drew, NASA GISS
- Sinnhuber, Björn-Martin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Smith, Anne, NCAR
- Spracklen, Dominick, University of Leeds
- Srivastava, Atul Kumar, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
- Stephens, Britton, NCAR
- Stolarski, Richard, Johns Hopkins University
- Stone, Kane, University of Melbourne
- Strahan, Susan, GSFC/GESTAR
- Strode, Sarah, USRA/NASA GSFC
- Sudo, Kengo, Nagoya University
- Tang, Qi, Cornell University
- Thiéblemont, Rémi, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
- Thouret, Valerie, CNRS / Université de Toulouse
- Tilmes, Simone, NCAR
- Tourpali, Kleareti, LAP-AUTh
- Tummon, Fiona, ETH Zürich
- Vernier, Jean-Paul, SSAI/NASA Langley
- Voulgarakis, Apostolos, Imperial College London
- Wang, Lei, Johns Hopkins University
- Wang, Tao, Texas A&M University
- Wang, Wuke, Free University of Berlin, Institute of Meteorology
- Waugh, Darryn, JHU
- Worden, Helen, NCAR
- Yegorova, Elena, ESSIC/NASA Goddard
- Young, Paul, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University
- Yudin, Valery, NCAR
- Zemankova, Katerina, LATMOS IPSL