2013 NCAR IAM Group Annual Meeting Presentations
Meeting Presentations: August 19 - 20, 2013
Day 1: Introduction
- IAM Group Overview and Introduction, Brian O'Neill
Day 1: Spatial Modeling 1
- Spatial projections of population density, Bryan Jones
- Spatial projections of population density, Galen Maclaurin
- Spatial projections of urban extent, Dan Runfola
- Progress on a spatial allocation model of agricultural land use change, Prasanth Meiyappan
Day 1: Spatial Modeling 2
- Predictive modeling of rural land development, Stefan Leyk
- Spatial statistics, Doug Nychka
- Spatial prediction of multimodel climate change pattern scaling, Jordan Winkler
Day 1: Climate Change Impacts
- Near-term temperature changes and global crop yields: CMIP vs. Big Ensemble, Claudia Tebaldi
- Climate change impacts on recent crop yield trends and rural migration patterns, Rachel Licker
- Environment and migration in Mexico, Lori Hunter
Day 1: Socio-Economic Pathways
- Integrating uncertainties for climate change, Joeri Rogelj
- Implementing the Shared Socio-economic Pathways in the International Futures (IFs) model, Dale Rothman
- iPETS scenarios for Latin America, Bas van Ruijven/Xiaolin Ren
Day 2: iPETS Model Implementation
- Experiments with parallelizing the iPETS model solution algorithm, Rich Loft
- Implementing iPETS in the GAMS programming language, Ed Balistreri
Day 2: Energy and Land Use
- Improving the representation of renewables in IAMs, Doug Arent/Patrick Sullivan
- Changes in Mexico's wealth andhousehold energy consumption, Landy Sanchez
- Climate effects of land use change, Peter Lawrence
Day 2: Drivers of Emissions and Vulnerability
- Nonlinearities in the GDP-carbon relationship, Brant Liddle
- Relationships among scenario drivers: Consistency of historical data and model outputs, Leiwen Jiang
- Weather, climate and health, Mary Hayden
- Population exposure to climate hazards, Bryan Jones