2009 AGU Spring Meeting


Tropical Convection: Observations, Theory, High-Resolution Modeling, and Parameterization I

Presiding: J Neelin, UCLA; D Randall, Colorado State University

What can Cloud-Resolving Models Tell us About Critical Phenomena in Atmospheric Precipitation? *S K Krueger, A K Kochanski INVITED

Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) M W Moncrieff, *D E Waliser

Multi-resolution Cascade Simulations of an MJO Event *C E Holloway, S Woolnough

Simulations of Convective Storms in Low CAPE, High Shear Environments *C Kirkpatrick, E W McCaul Jr

Dynamical processes on top of penetrative tropical deep convective clouds *P K Wang, S Su

The Impact of Multi-scale Representation of Tropical Convection on the Simulation of Tropical Variability C Stan, C A Demott, M Khairoutdinov, *J L Kinter III, R A David

Convection in a parametrized and super-parametrized model and its role in the representation of the MJO *H Zhu, H Hendon, C Jakob

Statistical Evaluation of CRM-Simulated Cloud and Precipitation Structures Using Multi-sensor TRMM Measurements and Retrievals *D Posselt, T L'Ecuyer, T Matsui