2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting

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Multiscale Organization of Tropical Convection: Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) I Posters

Presiding: H Hsu, National Taiwan University; M W Moncrieff, NCAR; Y N Takayabu, University of Tokyo

Numerical Experiments on Formation Processes of Thin Moist Layers in the Tropical Mid-Troposphere over Ocean: S Otsuka, S Yoden

Baroclinic vorticity and its application in Typhoon: S Gao, Q Lin, X Shen

Island Effects on Mei-Yu Jet/Front Systems and Rainfall Distribution during TiMREX IOP #3: Y Chen, C Tu

A Study on the Effects of Convective Momentum Transport Associated with Rain Bands within the Madden-Julian Oscillation: T Miyakawa, Y N Takayabu

Climatology of the East Pacific ITCZ detected using a statistical model: C Bain, G Magnusdottir, J De Paz, J Kramer, P Smyth, H Stern, C Wang

Multiscale Organization of Tropical Convection: Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) II

Presiding: M W Moncrieff, NCAR; Y N Takayabu, University of Tokyo

Status and Research Agenda of YOTC: M W Moncrieff, D E Waliser

The ECMWF-YOTC database: M J Miller

Global nonhydorstatic model simulations of Typhoon 0806 Fengshen by NICAM: M Satoh, T Nasuno, H Taniguchi, H Yamada, W Yanase

Tropical intraseasonal oscillations and convection coupled waves in the western North Pacific during boreal summer: C Sui

Structure and Variability of Diabatic Heating Associated with the MJO: C Zhang, J Ling

Low-level Divergence Events and Associated Equatorial Westerly Flow around Sumatra during Passage of Kelvin Waves: Role of Stratiform Convection: J A Ridout, M K Flatau

Role of Cloud Resolving Model on MJO simulation of Super Parameterized Community Atmospheric Model: P Mukhopadhyay, D E Waliser, X Xiang, B Tian, B Goswami, E D Maloney, J Benedict, M Khairoutdinov

Vertical Moist Thermodynamic Structure of the MJO in AIRS Observations: An Update and a Comparison to ECMWF Interim Reanalysis: B Tian, D E Waliser, E Fetzer, B Lambrigtsen, Y Yung]

The tropical biases in IPCC AR4 climate models: J Lin