WCRP/WWRP-THORPEX YOTC Implementation Planning Meeting

East-West Center, University of Hawai, Hawaii Imin International Conference Center - Pacific Room, July 13-15, 2009

Monday, July 13

8:15 Bus pick- up at the Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel

8:30 Registration ( 140US$ – cash only + $40 per outside guest to Reception Dinner)

9:15 Welcome & Logistics (Hamilton & Caughey)

9:30 Objectives of Meeting (Moncrieff)

9:45 Overview of Draft Implementation Plan (Waliser)

10:30 Analyses and Forecast Products

Miller - ECMWF
Rienecker - GMAO
Toth - NCEP

11:15 Break

11:45 Satellite Products and Dissemination (Waliser & Ostrenga)

12:15 Large-Scale Synoptic Overview of YOTC Period (Wheeler)

12:45 Lunch

14:00 Tropical-Extratropical Synoptic Overview of YOTC Period (Weickmann)

14:30 Indian Monsoon Synoptic Overview of YOTC Period (Goswami)

15:00 Monsoon Synoptic Overview of YOTC Period via AMY (Matsumoto)

15:30 TCs, T-PARC & YOTC (Elsberry)

15:50 TCs & YOTC (Xiaotu and/or Nakazawa)

16:10 Break

16:30 Easterly Waves and YOTC Period (Thorncroft - remote)

16:50 Diurnal Cycle Foci of Interest (Johnson)

17:20 Discussion on Synoptic Periods of Interest

18:00 Reception at East-West Center/bus returns to Waikiki Beach hotel

Tuesday, July 14

8:30 Bus pick- up at Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel

9:00 Field Programs - Overlap, Needs and Contributions

AMY (Matsumoto)
TPARC (Toth)
DYNAMO (Moncrieff on behalf of Chidong Zhang)
VOCALS (Mechoso – remote)

11:00 Break

11:30 Modeling Overview (Moncrieff)

11:45 WCRP/WWRP MJO Task Team (Waliser)

12:00 Modeling Discussion Continued - proposals and ideas

Some tropical issues from a forecast modellers perspective (Miller)

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Modeling Discussion - continued

GCSS/GPCI (Teixeira - remote)
NICAM (Satoh)
Cascade (Moncrieff on behalf of Steve Woolnough)

16:00 Break

16:30 Modeling Discussion–continued

MMFs/CRMs/SuperParam (Tao)
MMFs/CRMs/SuperParam (Khairoutdinov)

17:30 Modeling Discussion –continued

18:00 Bus returns to the hotel

Wednesday, July 15

8:30 Bus pick-up from the hotel

9:00 Further development of the Implementation Plan/initial activities

Additional Presentations:
Subseasonal prediction of TC statistics (Augustin Vintzileos)
Strategy for studying the tropical convective activities associated with disasters in China (Shouting Gao)
JAMSTEC PALAU-2010 Field Campaign (May – June) (Hiroyuki Yamada)
JEPP/ HARIMAU radar (Shuichi Mori)
Very High Resolution GEOS simulations (Michele Rienecker)
Preliminary view of Asian Summer monsoon in 2009 (Kaji)
Extreme Events over Taiwan in 2008 (Mong Ming)
Historical Comments – no ppt (Mel Shapiro)
Using Satellite data to improve MJO forecasts (Joshua Fu)

Wrap up, summary, actions (Mitch Moncrieff)

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Bus returns to the hotel (or discussions continue if required)