  UCAR > NCAR > NESL > CGD > TSS > CLM > CLM Model Components: Hydrologic Cycle
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Model Components
     Hydrologic Cycle
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Software and Documentation
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CLM Model Components: Hydrologic Cycle
Hydrology and River Routing

The hydrologic cycle over land includes interception of water by plant foliage and wood, throughfall and stemflow, infiltration, runoff, soil water, and snow. These are directly linked to the biogeophysics and also affect temperature, precipitation, and runoff. Total runoff (surface and sub-surface runoff) are routed downstream to oceans using a river routing model. A river transport model (RTM) is synchronously coupled to the Community Land Model (CLM) for hydrological applications as well as for improved land-ocean-sea ice-atmosphere coupling in the Community Climate System Model (CCSM).

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            The Terrestrial Sciences Section (TSS) , the Climate & Global Dynamics Division (CGD), the NCAR Earth System Laboratory (NESL), and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) are managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and are sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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