The types of data available from NCAR cover a very wide range of subjects, including most of the data types discussed in previous sections of this document. The data archive is organized in a decimal system similar to the library's Dewey system (see Appendix E).
The datasets are grouped such that similar datasets are numerically close to one another. Appendix F has a complete list of datasets available from the DSS as of the date of this publication.
Researchers can obtain an up-to-date list of all of the DSS datasets and other information (including pricing) via anonymous FTP to ftp , or by using a WWW browser and opening the URL
Each dataset has one or more volume serial numbers (VSNs) associated with it. A VSN is a file on the MSS. It usually consists of a single file, but sometimes contains many files, separated by logical file marks. Sometimes there is only one VSN for the entire dataset; more often, there are many VSNs, for example one VSN for each month of a large, multi-year dataset. The VSNs are of the form KnnnnK or Ynnnnn, where each n represents a digit. For example, the character version of the dataset ds754.0 is in the VSN named K0240K and the MSS path would be /DSS/K0240K.
Information on a particular dataset, say ds754.0 is contained within the subdirectory `datasets/ds754.0' If you are using ftp, you can "cd" to that directory; from a WWW browser, you can select the menu of datasets from the DSS home page and simply select the dataset of interest. Within each subdirectory there is a file called MASTER which provides a brief outline of the dataset contents and lists the VSNs in that dataset. In addition, FORTRAN routines and, occasionally, inventories for each VSN are available.
The DSS staff provides assistance and expertise to help researchers locate data appropriate to their needs. Questions may be sent via email to . [see Appendix A]
Climate Analysis Section
The Climate Analysis Section (CAS) of NCAR's Climate and Global
Dynamics Division (CGD) attempts to increase the understanding of the
atmosphere by exploring aspects of climate through development and
analysis of observational and assimilated data sets and by using the
datasets for empirical studies, diagnostic analyses, and model
validation. An important central ongoing thrust relates to datasets
and includes acquisition of data; evaluation, improvement, and
restructuring of datasets; development of climatologies; and use of
datasets in diagnostic studies.
The CAS archive includes a variety of datasets (generally) archived as T42 Gaussian grids. (In the near future, CAS will also archive NMC Reanalysis data (Chapter 6) with T63 resolution and will produce datasets in the netCDF format (Chapter 2). These have been reformatted from equally spaced grids at various resolutions to a common grid to facilitate comparisons. (The DSS is the original source of the equally spaced grids.) The datasets include climatologies, monthly means, gridded satellite data and analyzed data. Of particular interest are sets of ECMWF and NMC daily global analyses which are available at various spectral resolutions determined two or four times per day. The datasets have been subject to considerable quality control and have been used as the basis for calculating monthly averages of the basic state variables and deriving value-added diagnostic quantities on a T42 Gaussian grid. The size of the archive with monthly quantities is much smaller and more manageable than the original daily archive. They are archived in the format used by the NCAR Community Climate Model. However, software exists that can be used to interpolate the data to arbitrary grid arrangements. Information about these datasets has been cataloged and can be obtained by using e-mail, gopher or the Web. Specifically:
Research in the Climate Modeling Section (CMS) encompasses a variety
of modeling studies of the physical mechanisms governing the global
climate system. In particular, the CMS developed the Community Climate
Model (CCM2 FORTRAN code for CCM2 may be obtained via anonymous ftp (
ftp ; cd ccm ; binary ; get ccm2.tar ; get
other files also). ) and has made a number of control integrations
available for general use (Table 11.5). These include simulations
with different spectral resolutions than the one at which the model
was developed (T42); simulations with observed sea-surface
temperatures; and, a simulation with the optional
Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (often referred to as "BATS").
Details may be found under the NCAR gopher or in the NCAR Technical
Note by Williamson (1993). These datasets can be used by researchers
with access to NCAR's Mass Store System (MSS).
Datasets produced by atmospheric and oceanographic models can be quite
large. The dataset size is a function of horizontal and vertical
resolution and how many and how often variables are saved. A typical
ten year integration of the CCM2 at T42 horizontal resolution with
daily averaged data archived consists of about 55GB. Figure 11.1
illustrates a typical data reduction path one might follow to produce
Climate Modeling Section
CAS Archive: ECMWF
SOURCE: derived from ds111.0
TITLE ECMWF TOGA Advanced Operational Analysis
TITLE: Upper-air Dataset
GRIDS: T42 truncation from Spherical Harmonics
LEVELS: 1000mb 850mb 700mb 500mb 400mb 300mb 250mb
LEVELS: 200mb 150mb 100mb 70mb 50mb 30mb 10mb
LEVELS: As of Jan 01, 1992, There is also a 925 mb level
DATES: January 1, 1985 - present
HOURS: 00,06,12,18
FILES: /TRENBERT/CTEC/ET42yymmdd, with yy=year,
mm=month, and dd=first day on volume, dd takes values: 4,07,10,13,16,19,22,25,28 and sometimes 31
MEANS: Monthly means are available for the same period
SOURCE: derived from ds111.2
TITLE: ECMWF TOGA Advanced Operational Analysis
TITLE: Upper-air Dataset
GRIDS: T42 truncation from 2.5 Gridded data
LEVELS: 1000mb 850mb 700mb 500mb 400mb 300mb 250mb
LEVELS: 200mb 150mb 100mb 70mb 50mb 30mb 10mb
VARIABLES: Z T U V W RH, Q, Psfc, Land-Sea-Ice Flags
DATES: January 1, 1985 - present
HOURS: 00,12
FILES: /TRENBERT/CTGAN/U/ET42yymmdd,with yy=year, mm=month,
and dd=first day on volume. dd takes the values:
01,06,11,16,21,26, and sometimes 31
MEANS: Monthly means are available for the same period
SOURCE: derived from ds111.2
TITLE: ECMWF TOGA Advanced Operational Analysis
GRIDS: T42 truncation from 2.5 gridded
VARIABLES: PHIS Psfc Tsfc Pmsl U10 V10 T2 TD 2 Land-Sea-Ice Flags
(U10, T2 refer to U at 10 meters and T at 2 meters)
DATES: January 1, 1985 - present
HOURS: 00,12
FILES: /TRENBERT/CTGAN/S/ET42yymm,with yy=year, mm=month
MEANS: Monthly means are available for the same period
SOURCE: derived from ds110.0
TITLE: Upper-air Dataset
GRIDS: T42 and R15 truncation from 2.5 degree Gridded
LEVELS: 1000mb 850mb 700mb 500mb 300mb 200mb 100mb
SURFACE FIELDS: PHIS, Psfc, Land-Sea-Ice Flags
DATES: December 1, 1978 - December 31, 1989
Missing December of 1979
HOURS: 00,12
FILES: /TRENBERT/CTGAN/Etttyymm, where ttt is either
T42 or R15 to indicate truncation, yy is year,
mm is month, and for T42 datasets an A or B
is appended to indicate the first 15 days or
the month, or the remainder, EG. ET428501A
MEANS: Monthly means are available for the same period
CAS Archive: NMC SOURCE: derived from ds082.0
TITLE: NMC (Msg data filled with ECMWF data, DS111.0)
TITLE: Initialized (The fill-in data is uninitialized)
GRIDS: T42 truncation from 2.5 degree regular
LEVELS: 1000mb, 850mb, 700mb, 500mb, 400mb, 300mb, 250mb,
LEVELS: 200mb, 150mb, 100mb, 70mb, 50mb
VARIABLES: Z T U V RH Q PHIS Psfc Land-Sea-Ice Flags
DATES: January 1, 1987 - present
HOURS: 00,12
FILES: /TRENBERT/CTNMC/NT42yymmP, with yy=year, mm=month,
and P either A (for days 1-15) or B (for the
remainder of the month)
MEANS: Monthly means are available for the same period
CAS Archive: Satellite Mission Time Period
ERBE 1985-89
ISCCP March 1983 - June 1991
NIMBUS 7 CMATRIX April 1979 - March 1985
NIMBUS 7 ERBE November 1978 - October 1987
NOAA OLR June 1973 - April 1993
SSM/I 1985-91
CAS Archive: Surface/Climatologies Derived from
NCAR ID Variable and Source
ds277.0 SST: CAC monthly 1979 - 1993
ds289.0 SST: Shea, Trenberth, Reynolds Climatology
ds865.0 Prc: Jaeger (Nominal period 1931-1965)
ds236.0 Prc: Legates (Nominal period 1920-1980)
ds290.0 Prc: Shea (Nominal period 1950-1979)
ds205.0 Tsfc: Crutcher (Nominal period 1950-1964)
ds236.0 Tsfc: Legates (Nominal period 1920-1980)
ds290.0 Tsfc: Shea (Nominal period 1950-1979)
ds217.0 Tsfc: Oort (Nominal Period 1963-1973)
ds110.1 Wind Stress: Trenberth
CCM2: Control Integrations Run Resolution Time (yrs) Comment Standard T42 20 Case 388
  T42 10 Case 414
  R15, T21, T31 10  
  T63, T106 4  
BATS T42 10  
AMIP T42 1979-88 Obs. SST
An Introduction to Atmospheric and Oceanographic Datasets