SPMD/MPI on Beowulf Cluster

Subject: SPMD/MPI on Beowulf Cluster
From: Mark Gibbas (mjgibbas@TASC.Com)
Date: Wed Feb 10 1999 - 05:07:20 MST

Greetings all,

    After successfully managing to compile and execute the CCM3.6 on a
single dual processed Lintel machine (both in single and dual processor
modes), we are now attempting to compile and execute on a Linux Beowulf
Cluster consisting of 4 dual processed PII 450 Lintel machines. We are
using the LAM6.2b MPI Libraries, and thus far we haven't been able to
get a clean execution.

At this point I have the following questions:

1) Was the CCM3.6 designed with a specific version of MPI libraries? If
so what are they, and where can I obtain them?

2) Has anyone else attempted to utilize the SPMD/MPI capabilities of the
CCM3.6 on a Linux machine? If so please contact me as I would enjoy
talking with you about this.

3) In regards to SPMD/MPI mode in general, are there any specific
differences from normal mode that must be accounted for when building
the executable?

Thanks in advance,



Mark Gibbas MTS/Meteorologist Litton-TASC 55 Walkers Brook Drive Reading MA 01867

Office: 1-781-942-2000 x3188 Lab: 1-781-942-2000 x3105 Fax: 1-781-942-2571

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