Re: SPMD/MPI on Beowulf Cluster

Subject: Re: SPMD/MPI on Beowulf Cluster
From: Jim Rosinski (
Date: Wed Feb 10 1999 - 23:42:27 MST

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Mark Gibbas wrote:

> 1) Was the CCM3.6 designed with a specific version of MPI libraries? If
> so what are they, and where can I obtain them?

The message-passing code was built using the MPI library from Argonne
National Lab (, but the coding constructs should be
independent of the particular library used. Only the execution environment
will be distribution-specific. The one such Argonne-specific command I found
in build.noncray_spmd.csh (in CCM3.6.6) is the invocation of "mpirun".
Caveat: I didn't write this script and don't use it so I'm no expert.

> 3) In regards to SPMD/MPI mode in general, are there any specific
> differences from normal mode that must be accounted for when building
> the executable?

Just the contents of Filepath and misc.h required to enable the spmd code
(these should automatically get included in build.noncray_spmd.csh). In
our experience (on SUN and SGI machines) MPI runs give identical answers to
the single-threaded case, though this is not guaranteed.


Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

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