Re: ccm2nc on NCAR machines

Subject: Re: ccm2nc on NCAR machines
From: Brian Eaton (
Date: Wed Feb 10 1999 - 15:11:49 MST

Hi Andrea,

The problem appears to be that /TRENBERT/CTGAN/U/TAV/ET429707M is not in
CCM history format. Unfortunately the old no-longer-supported CCM
processor wrote several output formats in addition to writing the CCM
history format (i.e., the format produced by the CCM). Also unfortunately
some of these non-standard formats have been used in some data products
meant for general use.

Since you have access to NCAR Crays I believe that the best approach to
reading this data would be to make use of the CCM processor on paiute
(/ccm/proc/Processor). That is the only place that I know of where it
still exists. If the processor will read the data then you could write it
back out in CCM history format and then use ccm2nc. Documentation on the
processor is available at

ccm2nc is available in /fs/cgd/csm/bin/C90 for the C90 (antero) and in
/fs/cgd/csm/bin/J90 for the J90s.

Good luck,

Brian Eaton
NCAR, Climate Modelling Section
Boulder, CO 80303

> Hello!
> I have a couple of questions concerning ccm2nc on NCAR machines
> (CRAYS).
> 1). I have trying to convert ECMWF upper air data in history tape
> format (for example /TRENBERT/CTGAN/U/TAV/ET429707M) to netcdf. When I
> use ccm2nc I get the following message:
> /usr/tmp/hahmann/ECM> ccm2nc ET429707M
> attach_ccm: using local file ET429707M
> main: init_hdr returned -1
> I have compiled the new version of ccm2nc that is available from the
> web in hUtils-1.5.tar. Could anybody tell me what is wrong with it?
> I have done this in the past with no problems and there are no
> problems when I convert model produced ccm3 history tapes.
> 2). Are there any precompiled versions of ccm2nc residing on the CRAY
> NCAR machines?
> I will appreciate any help.
> Thank you!
> Andrea
> /\
> /@@\ | Andrea N. Hahmann
> \__/ | Inst. of Atmospheric Phys.
> W AA W | PAS Bldg. 81
> |__AYA__/ | University of Arizona
> AXXV | Tucson, AZ 85721
> VXXV | Phone: (520) 621-6619
> W VUV W | (520) 621-8836 (msg.)
> |_/ V \_/ __ | Fax : (520) 621-6833
> \ [_ \ |
> \_____/

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