ccm2nc on NCAR machines

Subject: ccm2nc on NCAR machines
From: Andrea Hahmann (
Date: Wed Feb 10 1999 - 09:39:39 MST


I have a couple of questions concerning ccm2nc on NCAR machines

1). I have trying to convert ECMWF upper air data in history tape
format (for example /TRENBERT/CTGAN/U/TAV/ET429707M) to netcdf. When I
use ccm2nc I get the following message:

/usr/tmp/hahmann/ECM> ccm2nc ET429707M
attach_ccm: using local file ET429707M
main: init_hdr returned -1

I have compiled the new version of ccm2nc that is available from the
web in hUtils-1.5.tar. Could anybody tell me what is wrong with it?
I have done this in the past with no problems and there are no
problems when I convert model produced ccm3 history tapes.

2). Are there any precompiled versions of ccm2nc residing on the CRAY
NCAR machines?

I will appreciate any help.
Thank you!
      /@@\ | Andrea N. Hahmann
      \__/ | Inst. of Atmospheric Phys.
   W AA W | PAS Bldg. 81
   |__AYA__/ | University of Arizona
     AXXV | Tucson, AZ 85721
     VXXV | Phone: (520) 621-6619
  W VUV W | (520) 621-8836 (msg.)
  |_/ V \_/ __ | Fax : (520) 621-6833
       \ [_ \ |

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