conflict between LSM and initial data on sea ice

Subject: conflict between LSM and initial data on sea ice
From: Xuguang Wang (
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 10:24:05 MDT

Dear ccm3 users,

I initialize ccm3 with NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. It seems there is a conflict
on sea ice between LSM sfc data and the initial data obtained from the
reanalysis. The error message is

 LSM sfc data says land, initial data says sea ice at i,lat= 61
            3 LSM data will be used

Although the model still runs, I am still worried about it. Has any of you
had the same problem? What does this mean? How do you initialize ORO or
SICTHK with the reanalysis?

Thanks for your help.

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