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User's Guide to NCAR CCM3.6 Search Page

4. Changing the Model

4.4 Changing Resolution

Vertical and/or horizontal resolution can be changed from the model default settings by modifying the appropriate values in params.h .  "PLON" and "PLAT" define horizontal resolution in gridpoint space, while "PTRM", "PTRN", and "PTRK" define the horizontal truncation in spectral space.  The number of vertical levels is defined by "PLEV".  Physical parameterizations and/or namelist variables such as the timestep and diffusion coefficients may also have to change with differing resolutions.  The off-line codes interpic, definesurf and interpsst can be used to interpolate input datasets to different resolutions (see Sec. and Sec.

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest3 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:37:31 $ $Author: erik $