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4. Changing the Model
    4.6 Trouble-Shooting Model Changes

4.6.1 Resource Allocation Errors

SSD storage allocation for scratch files may be specified on the #QSUB -lQ line in the batch job script (see "Running the Model" ). If insufficient storage is requested, the model will print an error message and terminate. To determine how much SSD storage is required, refer to the line of model printout which says:

Total size of files normally assigned to SDS:

The user's #QSUB -lQ request must at least match this number.

An insufficient memory request (#QSUB -lM) will abort the run with a possible error message of the form:

Not enough space

Check the line of segldr output which reads:

Program length- 22363070 octal 4843064 decimal

Determine that the number of megawords requested on the #QSUB -lM line is larger than the program length in decimal. If the initial program length is less than the #QSUB request, but only by a few hundred thousand words, a memory allocation problem may still exist since the operating system often needs to allocate additional memory for its own purposes. If sufficient memory is not available, this may not be evident from the error message received. Therefore, if the model is using close to the amount of memory declared on the #QSUB -lM line and it appears to be dying due to some system error (e.g.: PUTFIL:Error in ishell call,ier= 256), try increasing the memory request by approximately 1 million words and rerun the job.

Another system resource problem occurs on the SUN architectures.  The default stack size on the SUN is sometimes too small for larger resolution runs or when running on multiple processors.  The model usually fails with a segmentation fault.  To set the stack size to its maximum you can use the limit command.  Typing limit alone will print the system resource limits.  To set the stack size to its maximum type limit stacksize unlimited .  Once the stack size has been increased try running the model again.  If the stack size was too small before it should run to completion.  When running the message passing code on multiple processors it is necessary to place this limit command in your shell startup script.  Since the message passing software usually starts new processes to run under, you must make sure that these processes have the larger stack size when started by MPI.  An easy way to determine that new shells have the larger stack size is to execute the command rsh machine limit (where machine is the name of a computer on which to start the remote shell.) 

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