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2. Using CCM3.6
    2.1 How to Build and Run CCM3.6.6

2.1.4 Definition of Model Run Types (initial, restart, branch)

We present a brief summary of the types of model runs. An initial run starts the model from an initial conditions dataset. As the model executes, history datasets, restart datasets and initial condition datasets are written periodically. Refer to "Model Output Datasets" for more details. In particular, see "Model generated initial condition dataset files" for more details on model generated initial condition datasets.

In addition to initial simulations, there are two types of continuation runs: restart and branch. A restart run is an exact continuation of a previous simulation from its point of termination. Namelist variables other than NESTEP, NELAPSE, and NSREST should never be modified for restart runs. A more detailed discussion of the restart files, including a description of their contents and related coding issues, is presented in "Restart Files" . A branch run, on the other hand, is a new case that uses restart data from a previous simulation to begin the integration. Since a branch run must be a new case, the length of the history interval and the output history fields do not have to be the same as in the control simulation. For example, the branching option can be used to output selected fields more frequently than was the case in the control run. Only history file namelist options should be modified for branch runs. If the user desires to modify other options, such as physics control variables, a new initial run should be done using initial datasets generated by the control run.

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