Previous Section Headers
User's Guide to LSM1.1
1. Using LSM1.1
This guide is a brief introduction to the use and overall design
of the land surface model (LSM). Most of the changes made between LSM1.1
and LSM1.0 are those to the user interface. The only physics changes were
changing the alogorithm for calculating the earth's orbit and solar zenth
angle (Berger, 1977). This document is meant to describe these changes
as well as to to serve as a companion to the technical description of the
land surface model (see the technical description section of A Land
Surface Model (LSM Version 1.0) (Bonan 1996) ). In the
following, we briefly outline the LSM code design and discuss the types
of LSM runs, LSM input variables and input and output LSM datasets.
1.1 Overview
LSM can be run as part of CCM3 (communicating with the atmospheric component
of CCM3 through subroutine calls) or as a stand alone executable communicating
with CCM3 via the Climate System Model (CSM) flux coupler (Bryan, 1996).
LSM consists of two main subroutines; lsmdrv and lsmini.
Routine lsmini initializes the land surface model and returns as
two-dimensional (longitude x latitude) arrays any land surface
variables (e.g., surface temperature) required by the atmospheric model.
Non-land values are undefined. Subroutine lsmdrv calculates surface
fluxes, updates the ecological, hydrologic and thermal state of the land,
and updates the LSM history fields. lsmdrv processes the land points
by first gathering the lpt land points on the (lsmlon x
lsmlat) grid into a ``large" vector of kpt points, allowing
for up to msub subgrid points per land point. This "large" vector
is processed as smaller vectors by routine lsm. This architecture
has the following advantages: (a) only land points are processed; (b) local
arrays within subroutine lsm are dimensioned by the number of points
processed in each call to lsm rather than by kpt, resulting
in small memory requirements when using multiple processors; and (c) multi-tasking
results in reasonable load balancing among processors.
CCM3 and LSM exchange information (via the flux coupler or through subroutine
calls) in terms of two-dimensional fields. Currently, the LSM grid must
be the same as the atmospheric model grid. LSM expects as input atmospheric
fields for the entire grid. These input fields are then used to force LSM,
which subsequently returns two-dimensional fields, setting only the land
points in the domain.
If LSM is run as part of CCM3, subroutines lsmini and lsmdrv
are invoked from within CCM3. If LSM is run through the flux coupler, program
lsmmain invokes lsmini and lsmdrv. Regardless of the
mode, there is always one call to lsmini during initialization and
one call per time step to lsmdrv. The calling diagrams for lsmini
and lsmdrv are given in "Appendix
A: LSM Calling Diagrams".
1.2 Initial Runs
LSM initial datasets are in netCDF file format and consist of both time-invariant
and time-variant fields. The time-invariant data fields contain information
about each grid cell on the two-dimensional (lsmlon x lsmlat)
LSM grid and are oriented from the South Pole to to North Pole, starting
at Greenwich and proceeding eastwards. The time invariant data fields are
summarized below:
latitude and longitude at the center of each LSM model grid cell
integer surface type (see Table 5 of Technical Description)
integer color class for soil albedos (see Table 10 of Technical Description)
%sand, %silt, and %clay for thermal and hydraulic
properties (see sections 6.2 and 8.4.1 of Technical Description)
% of grid cell covered by lake and wetlands
basin drainage data
Time-variant initial data fields consist of initial water (snow, vegetation,
soil) and temperature (vegetation, ground surface, soil) for the kpt
subgrid points.
Initial data can either be generated at run time or obtained from an
LSM initial dataset. If the LSM namelist variable FINIDAT (see
Run Options) is set to ``arbitrary
initialization'', LSM initial data are computed at run time and output
to the file ``'' Alternatively, FINIDAT may be set
to the name of a previously created LSM initial dataset, providing that
this dataset has the same grid resolution and the same number of subgrid
points as the run for which it is to be used.
1.2.1 Initial runs from ``arbitrary initialization''
If FINIDAT is set to ``arbitrary initialization'', initial LSM
data is created at run time in routine lsmcrarbi. The time-invariant
portion of the initial data is first created in fsurdat using five
datasets that are independent of model resolution. Currently, these datasets
are hard-wired into the model code and consist of:
Land type data:
Olson data are on a 1/2 x 1/2 degree grid and stored in latitude bands
from north to south. In a given latitude band, data begins at the date
line (180w) and proceed eastward. So the first data point (olson(1,1))
is a box centered at 89.75n, 179.75w.
Soil color data:
BATS data are on a T42 gaussian grid, approximately 2.8 x 2.8 degrees,
stored in latitude bands from south to north. In a given latitude band,
data begin at greenwich (centered on greenwich) and proceeds eastward.
Soil texture data: webb.1x1.
Data for %sand, %silt and %clay are on a 1x1 degree grid and stored
in latitude bands from south to north. In a given latitude band, data begin
at the date line (180w) and proceeds eastward.
Inland water: flak.1x1 and swmp.1x1.
Data for %lake and %wetland are on a 1x1 degree grid and stored in
latitude bands from south to north. In a given latitude band, data begins
at greenwich and proceeds eastward.
Drainage basin matrix:
The Drainage basin dataset is in netCDF file format and is on a .5x.5
degree grid. Each data point specifies the particular basin that runoff
from that point will drain into.
LSM requires fractional land data at each model grid to determine whether
a particular latitude-longitude grid point is to be treated as land or
non-land. Fractional land data is obtained from CCM3 or from the flux coupler.
If fractional land data obtained from the flux coupler, it will be dependent
on the resolution of the ocean/sea-ice models.
Subsequent to the computation of time-invariant initial data, the remaining
data fields required for an initial run are constructed in lsmcrarbi_dyn
and lsmtvi. Initial water (snow, vegetation, soil) and temperature
(vegetation, ground surface, soil) for each subgrid point are initialized
to constant values in lsmcrarbi_dyn. Other variables needed for
initialization are set in lsmtvi and are either calculated based
on initial water and temperature values or set to constant values because
their exact value is not too important. The one exception is the soot content
of snow, which currently is time-invariant.
1.2.2 Initial runs from initial data files
If an initial run does not create its own initialization data, it must
start from a previously generated LSM initial dataset. If FINIDAT
is set to the name of an LSM initial dataset, that dataset will be read
in lsmrdinit. An LSM initial dataset must have the same
resolution and the same number of subgrid points (also implying
the same fractional land data) as the run for which it is intended. In
general, an initial dataset generated from a flux-coupled run cannot be
used as initial data for a simulation where the LSM is run as part of CCM3,
since the fractional land data will generally be different in the two cases.
Similarly, an initial datset from one flux-coupled run cannot be used for
another flux-coupled run with a different ocn/ice grid resolution since
once again the fractional land will be different.
During a model run, LSM initial datasets may be generated monthly, yearly
or not at all, depending on the setting of the LSM namelist variable INITHIST
(see "Run Options").
1.3 Output History and Restart Files
LSM writes its own history and restart files. Output history files are
in netCDF file format and fall into two categories; files for model analysis
and initial dataset files. History files meant for analysis of model output
are by default time averaged. Initial dataset files, on the other hand,
are instantaneous history files containing only initial data fields. Restart
files are in binary format and can be used only to restart or branch runs
from previous simulations. The primary LSM routines needed to produce history
and restart files all begin with hist or rest (e.g. histcrt.F
restwrt.F) (see "LSM Code Description").
Time averaged history files have the names for
non-monthly averaged output and for monthly averaged
files. In the first case, xxxxx is unique text determined by the
file number (e.g. 00001 to 99999), whereas in the latter case, yyyy
and mm specify the year and month, respectively (e.g. 0001-09
is data for September of year 1). Instantaneous history files intended
for use as LSM initial datasets have the names,
where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd
is the day and sssss is the seconds into the day. Finally, restart
files have the names lsmr_yyyymmdd_sssss.
Instantaneous history files that can serve as LSM initial datasets may
be written monthly, yearly or not at all, depending on the setting of the
namelist variable INITHIST. The generation of these datasets is
controlled by routines histcrtini and histwrtini. The specific
fields output on these datasets are hardwired into the code and may not
be modified by namelist settings.
During initialization, routine histtc creates a history file
for the time constant vegetation and soil variables. This file is written
in the same directory as the time-varying history files and is given the
name ``lsmh_timcon''.
A history time sample is written to a history file every NHTFRQ
iterations or at the end of the month (if using the monthly average option).
Up to MFILT time samples may be written to a file. For monthly
average files, MFILT is set to 1. A history file is closed (and
archived to the Mass Store if desired) when the file is full or if the
end of the model run has been reached. History and restart files are output
to the disk directories defined by the LOCPNH and LOCPNR
namelist variables. If the NCAR Mass Store is used, history and restart
files are archived as follows:
where CASEID corresponds to the CASEID namelist variable.
Routine histlst sets the default history field list (i.e., the
name, units, description of the fields and the field type). Fields are
segregated as single-level or multi-level, where multi-level refers to
the number of soil layers (e.g., soil temperature and soil water are multi-level
fields). The field type can be the average over a history interval (the
default), the maximum value in the history interval, the minimum value
in the history interval, or the instantaneous value at the end of the history
interval. The default field type for a given field can be overridden by
the setting of the paired (field name, field type) chntyp namelist
variables (section "Run Options")
All LSM history fields are output on the (lsmlon x lsmlat)
grid after a subgrid to 2d-grid mapping has been performed. If certain
fields are desired as vectors of kpt points (for single-level fields)
or as msl vectors of kpt points (for multi-level fields),
this additional output can be specified by setting the FLDS1D
namelist variable. The default fields set in histlst can be made
inactive by setting the EXCL namelist variable (section "Run
Options") to the appropriate field names.
New fields can be added to the history files by modifying histlst.
The variable nflds needs to be incremented by one for each new
field. The field name fldnam, units flduni, level fldlev,
and type fldtyp, and field description flddes variables
need to be set to appropriate values. This process must be repeated for
however many new active fields are added. The parameters mslflds
and mmlflds set in lsmpar.h should be increased depending
on the number of added single- and multi-level fields. Finally, since field
values for the current iteration are accumulated by histslf and
histmlf for single-level and multi-level fields, respectively, new
calls to these routines will have added in routine lsm in order
to accumulate the new fields over the history interval. Note that accumulated
values for all history fields are contained in the arrays slfval
and mlfval. Time averaged fields are normalized by the length
of the history interval before being written to the history file.
An LSM restart file is a binary file containing the variables needed
to either restart or branch a model run. For example, lsmr_000010101_1200
will restart or branch a model simulation starting from 1200 seconds into
January 1 of year 1. Whenever a restart file is written, a corresponding
restart pointer file on local disk is overwritten. The namelist variable
REST_PFILE specifies the ASCII file that contains the name of
the current restart file. If LSM is run as part of CCM3, restart files
are written and disposed to the Mass Store whenever a history file is closed
or at the end of a run. It is enforced at startup that NHTFRQ
and MFILT be the same for LSM and CCM3. This ensures that restart
files are obtained for both models at the same times. If the LSM model
is run through the flux coupler, restart files are written only when the
flux coupler specifies or at the end of a run.
1.4 Continuation Runs
Two types of continuation runs are possible, restart and branch runs. A
restart run continues an earlier run using the most recent restart file.
Run control variables set in the restart namelist must be the same
as in the original run. The model does not check for consistency. The appropriate
restart file (e.g., ``lsmr_000001001_36000'') is read from the disk restart
pointer file specified by the namelist variable REST_PFILE (which
by default is set to `` ~/lnd.CASEID.rpointer''). If the associated LSM
history file (e.g., lsmh_00100) is not full, it is opened such that subsequent
time samples may be added until the file is full.
A branch run allows the user to begin a new simulation by ``branching''
from an existing control run. In this case, the model restarts from a specified
restart file set by the namelist variable NREVSN (see Run
Options). The value of NREVSN msut be either a local or Mass
Store full pathname. Because a branch run must be a new case, the
length of the history interval and the active field list do not have to
be the same as in the control simulation. For example, the branching option
can be used to repeat a specified time interval of a run in which daily-average
history files were written. However, in the branched run, selected fields
may be written to a history file every iteration, thereby resolving the
diurnal cycle. Note that in a branch run, a new time constant history file
is created at startup.
1.5 Run Control Parameters
Four files set the control parameters for the
model: pre-processor directives are set in preproc.h and misc.h;
parameters for grid dimensions and history fields and other miscellaneous
LSM parameters are defined in lsmpar.h; and run control variables
are set in the LSMEXP namelist.
1.5.1 Pre-Processor Directives
The model utilizes the following C pre-processor ''cpp'' directives:
#include file: reads in contents of file at this
#define variable: defines variable
#undef variable: undefines variable
#ifdef variable: subsequent lines up to a matching #else
or #endif directive appear in output if variable is defined
#ifndef variable: subsequent lines up to a matching #else
or #endif directive appear in output if variable is undefined
The following #define and #undef directives are set in the file preproc.h:
Table 1.1: preproc.h preprocessor
CPP Variable Name
Defines the number of longitudes on the LSM
grid. |
Defines the number of latitudes on the LSM
grid. |
If LSM is run as part of CCM3, the header file misc.h is used by
both CCM3 and LSM code. Therefore, it is important that no resolution dependent
variables be contained in misc.h. The contents of misc.h
are described in the following table.
Table 1.2: misc.h preprocessor tokens
CPP Variable Name
Defines the platform for the model run. Currently,
these are the only platforms supported. |
If COUP_CSM is not defined, LSM
is run as part of CCM3. The case name, the land fraction at each grid point,
the model time step, base calendar information, run type (initial, restart,
branch), type of time averaging for history fields, history file write
frequency, number of time samples per history file, the solar radiation
frequency and the current time,are obtained from the CCM3 model.
If COUP_CSM is defined, LSM is coupled to CCM3 via the flux
coupler. The fractional land at each model grid point is obtained from
the flux coupler. Namelist variables supplied by CCM3 when COUP_CSM
is not defined must now be specified (see below). |
If on a NCAR Cray, the Fortran mass store
interface will be used if the cpp token SHELL_MSS is not defined.
For other platforms, this token needs to be defined. If SHELL_MSS
is not defined, the model requires the Fortran library routines unlink,
msread, and mswrite. |
(Parallel vector processor) must be defined
if the CRAY platform is used. |
Define for non-NCAR platform. |
Enables message passing if defined. Should
not be defined on CRAY platform. |
Precision of output NetCDF history file.
Must be set to NF_FLOAT or NF_DOUBLE. |
Define REALTYPE MPI_REAL for CRAY platform.
Define as REALTYPE MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION for non-CRAY platform. |
1.5.2 Parameters
Parameters that set the grid dimensions (lsmlon, lsmlat),
the maximum number of subgrid points (msub), and the maximum size
of the ``little vectors'' (mpt), are defined in lsmpar.h.
This file also defines parameters for the number of solar radiation wavebands,
the number of soil layers, the number of plant types, the number of soil
color classes, and the number of ``soil" types. Finally, it sets the maximum
number of single-level and multi-level variables for output on history
files. Note that the number of longitude and latitude points on the LSM
grid (as defined by lsmlon and lsmlat) must currently be
the same as the atmospheric model grid.
The land surface model works by gathering the lpt land points
on the lsmlon by lsmlat grid into a ``big" vector of kpt
subgrid points, allowing for up to msub subgrid points per land
point. The kpt subgrid points are processed as as ``little" vectors
of mpt points and possibly one ``little'' vector of mod(kpt,mpt)
points. The multiple calls to the ``little vector" land surface code can
be multi-tasked if desired. The parameter mpt specifies the maximum
number of points to be processed by the ``little vector" code. Whereas
values for lpt and kpt are determined at run time, mpt
is specified by a parameter declaration. Currently, mpt is set to
64. The user may want to modifiy this setting.
1.5.3 Run Options
Variables that control run options are set through the LSMEXP namelist.
Default values for these variables are set in lsmctli.
The minimum namelist input required to run LSM as part of CCM3 is FINIDAT.
Other namelist variables are obtained from the CCM3 model and should not
be specified separately in the LSM namelist. If values for the following
variables are specified when LSM is run as part of CCM3, they will be overwritten
with values obtained from from the CCM3:
The minimum namelist variables required to run LSM through the flux coupler
The following table describles the LSMEXP namelist variables:
Table 1.3: LSMEXP namelist input variables
Variable Name
Define the type and length of run
C*8 |
blanks |
Case identifier. Used as part of the MSS
path name for history and restart files.
Required for flux coupled runs. |
C*80 |
blanks |
Case title.
Not required. |
Real |
-9999999. |
Model timestep in seconds.
Required for flux coupled runs. |
Integer |
-9999999 |
Run type: 0=initial, 1=restart, 3=branch.
Required for flux coupled runs. |
Integer |
-9999999 |
Base date for run as yyyymmdd ( 010625
is June 25, year 1). .
Required for flux coupled runs. |
Integer |
-9999999 |
Seconds of base date.
Required for flux coupled runs. |
Integer |
-9999999 |
Base Model day for run
Required for flux coupled runs. |
Integer |
-9999999 |
Seconds of base Model day for run.
Required for flux coupled runs. |
Input data sets
C*80 |
"not_specified" |
Initial dataset name. If FINIDAT
is equal to "arbitrary initialization", an initial file
is created at startup.
Required. |
C*80 |
blanks |
Full restart pathname for branch runs.
Required only if branch run. |
C*80 |
blanks |
Disk directory where input datasets may be
found by Model.
Not required. |
Generation of initital surface data
Logical |
true |
If set to true, Antartica is extended for
the Ross Ice Shelf. Only used if COUP_CSM is not defined. Antartica
is NEVER extended for flux coupled runs.
Not required |
History and Restart Files Variables
Integer |
-24 |
Write frequencies for history time samples
in hours (negative) or iterations (positive).
Not required. |
Integer |
1 |
Integer number of time samples per history
Not required. |
C*1 |
blanks |
If equal to ``q" or ``Q" the monthly average
history option is used (one time sample per file, overriding settings for
Not required. |
C*8 |
blanks |
Names of fields to output as 1-dimensional
fields of kpt points in addition to the 2-dimensional output (up to malflds
Not required. |
C*8 |
blanks |
Array of variables to exclude from the history
files. For example, setting EXCL = `TV', `TAM' deletes the fields
TV and TAM from the history files.
Not required. |
C*8 |
blanks |
Paired 8 character array of field names and
field types to override the default settings. Valid field types are average,
maximum, minimum, or instant. For example, setting
CHNTYP = `FPSN', `maximum' results in the maximum value of FPSN
over the history interval to be output.
Not required. |
C*80 |
'.' |
Sets the disk directory for history files.
Not required. |
C*80 |
'.' |
Sets the disk directory for restart files.
Not required. |
C*80 |
CASEID.rpointer |
Full UNIX pathname of the restart pointer
file. This file is overwritten and updated every time new restart datasets
are output.
Not required. |
C*8 |
blanks |
MSS write password.
Not required. |
Integer |
-24 |
MSS retention period.
Not required. |
Model Physics Variables
Logical |
True |
Set to false if the prognostic hydrology
is not used. In this case, canopy, snow, and soil water pools will not
change from the initial conditions.
Not required. |
Logical |
False |
Set to true for random perturbation growth
tests. A perturbation growth test, in which initial conditions are randomly
perturbed by some small amount, is a useful means to ensure the model is
working correctly when using different compilers, operating systems, or
other changes that result in a small perturbation. When compared to a control
run, the land surface model generally has large, rapid solution separation
due to the following reasons: (a) the large sensitivity of the vegetated
latent heat flux to small changes in the wetted fraction of the canopy
and (b) the strong non-linearity of the latent and sensible heat fluxes
to atmospheric stability. This option reduces the solution separation due
to a small random perturbation by setting the wetted fraction of the canopy
to zero and setting atmospheric stability to neutral. PERGRO should
be set to false unless a perturbation growth test is being performed.
Not required. |
Flux Coupled Runs Only
Integer |
-1 |
The frequency for solar radiation calculations
in hours (negative) or model iterations (positive).
Required for flux coupled runs. |
Logical |
True |
If true, flux averaging (over the duration
IRAD is set to) is performed when running the model through the
flux coupler.
Not required. |
Sub Sections
1.2 Initial Runs
1.3 Output History
and Restart Files
Continuation Runs
Run Control Parameters
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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest2 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:40:12 $ $Author: erik $