The ccm-users discussion group is an open e-mail forum for rapid exchange of information, ideas, and topics of interest relating to the various versions of the NCAR CCM (Community Climate Model). This includes sharing software tools, datasets, programming tips and examples, as well as discussions of questions, problems and workarounds. The primary motivation for the establishment of this list is to facilitate and encourage communication _between_ the users of the CCM.
This mail group will also be used to distribute announcements related to the CCM. These announcements will generally contain information on software updates to the CCM, bug fixes, notices of meetings or upcoming events, and so forth.
The ccm-users mail group is moderated to filter out annoying commercial advertisements. All messages related to the CCM will be sent to the other members of the ccm-users group. Since the members of this mail group are professionals whose time is very valuable, please make a concerted effort to keep the subjects on topic, the volume low and the quality high. The quality of this mail-group can only be maintained by the efforts and personal integrity of the individual members.
Web-based documentation for CCM3 is at ...
Hard-copy documentation (CCM3.0 and older) can be requested by talking to Paula Fisher at NCAR. Her e-mail is paulad@ucar.edu, and phone is (303)497-1328. She can send out the latest documentation for you on the model and processing tools.
BEFORE YOU POST TO THE E-MAIL GROUP WE EXPECT THAT YOU WILL HAVE GONE THROUGH BOTH THE HARD-COPY AND WEB-BASED DOCUMENTATION!! Otherwise we will just point you to the FAQ and wait until you actually start reading the documentation.
You can also get the files from the web at
CCM3 source This includes source codes, documentation, and input datasets.
Or you can access it with ftp...
ftp to ftp.ucar.edu. Login as "ftp" and give your email address as password. Then
cd pub/ccm
And transfer the appropriate files or datasets. Many files are unix tar files and must be un-tar'ed to get the files. And several are compressed with the GNU file-compressor. So use gunzip to decompress them.
This is documented in the hardcopy documentation. But, is a common question so we'll make space for it here as well. Basically you need to increase the size of pflds in pagrid.h for each varible you add, add a call to addfld.F for the variable in bldfld.F and add a call to outfld.F for the variable you add at the appropriate place in the model.
Go to
and download "ccm2nc". This is a program that converts from CCM history tape format to NetCDF format. Once, in NetCDF format there are various tools you can use to analyze the results. A good set of tools is the "Component Model Processing Suite" which uses NCL (NCAR Command Language) and NCO (NetCDF Operators). Both, NCL, NCO and NetCDF are all free software. See
To get NCL see
For a list of other packages that support reading netCDF format see...
(you'll also need to load the NetCDF library on your PC and the above web page can be directed to help your download/install/use NetCDF)
Most of this is mentioned in the on-line CCM3 users guide...