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The NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM3)

The NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM3) is no longer supported, use the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) for the latest model that includes limited support for use of the community.

The NCAR Community Climate Model version 3.6 (CCM3.6) is now released.

CCM3.6 is the latest version of the NCAR Community Climate Model. It is in the same family as CCM3.0 and therefore most of the code is the same with only minor changes to the physical parameterizations. The simulated climate of CCM3.6 does not differ significantly from that of CCM3.2.

The CCM3.6 is a stable, efficient, documented, state of the art, atmospheric general circulation model designed for climate research on high-speed supercomputers and select upper-end workstations.

CCM3.6 is released as a free resource to scientists and graduate students worldwide as an advanced tool for global atmospheric modeling research, allowing them to develop and implement their particular area of modeling expertise without spending decades of their careers building a complex global climate model.

The CCM3.6 source code, initial and boundary datasets, documentation, model verification and control simulations may be downloaded from the CCM3 home page at http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/ccm3 .

The National Center for Atmospheric Research is operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

Modifications (to CCM3.2) include:

Physics changes (no significant change to the climate):

Changes to input/output files:

Changes to user interface:

Bug fixes (no significant change to the climate):

Bug fix plus tuning modification to restore the documented climate

The CCM3 news page contains the code-patches for CCM3.2 for all the bug-fixes. The code patches by nature show the code changes in CCM3.6 that fix the above problems.

Last modified: Aug/ 6/1998

Remember CCM3 is now unsupported, use CAM for the latest Atmospheric Model for use of climate science.

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