IAM | Integrated Assessment Modeling

The Integrated Assessment Modeling (IAM) group, within the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), develops and applies integrated models of human and earth systems to help understand how key aspects of society may evolve in the future and how they might interact with a changing climate.
Anticipating how society might change in the future, in addition to climate, is critical to examining the consequences of and possible responses to climate change. To address this need, the IAM group aims to:
- Improve projections of societal trends relevant to assessing climate impacts, mitigation, and adaptation;
- Improve the capacity to link integrated assessment models to NCAR’s Community Earth System Model (CESM) to investigate human-earth system interactions; and
- Improve assessments of impacts, adaptation, and mitigation by better accounting for socio-economic change and its interactions with the climate systems.
Learn more about the IAM group and its research projects, view recent IAM news, or contact IAM staff
Recent News
- New paper helps explain how urban areas grow - Leiwen Jiang, Brian O'Neill
- Press Release - Brian O'Neill
- Nature Climate Change paper finds that Paris Agreement temperature and emissions targets are inconsistent - Brian O'Neill
- Paper describes ongoing development of U.S. state-level projections under the SSPs and provides a set of placeholder projections - Leiwen Jiang, Hamidreza Zoraghein, Brian O'Neill
- Climatic Change article introduces special issue on the Benefits of Reduced Anthropogenic Climate changE - Brian O'Neill
- New paper projects future population exposure to heat extremes, comparing alternative climate scenarios and demographic outcomes - Claudia Tebaldi, Brian O'Neill, Jing Gao
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