Sea surface temperature data from CT-ROMS are currently available for the validation years 2004-2006. Weekly SST data are posted on the THREDDS server at Rutgers University at:

These files are in netCDF format and can be easily viewed with ncview software.

A GUI interface is available on the THREDDS server for subsetting the SSTs for a specific region, with output in netCDF format.

Note that the CT-ROMS grid is not a regular lat-lon grid. The domain was rotated to include as much of the Coral Triangle region as possible, and therefore the projection of the CT-ROMS output in ncview will not represent a true geographic projection.

If you download data, please contact us and let us know how you plan to use it. SST data for 1960-2005 are coming soon, and other CT-ROMS fields could be made available upon request.

Please contact Fred Castruccio [ fredc@ucar.edu ] or Joanie Kleypas [ kleypas@ucar.edu ]