Andrew Gettelman
Current Research
Regional and High Resolution Earth System Modeling
I am one of the science co-leads for the System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere (SIMA) project. SIMA is a unified community atmospheric modeling framework, for use in an Earth System Model (ESM), which is aimed at simulating weather, climate chemistry and geospace. I have been using the SIMA system to do high resolution regional modeling to look at climate impacts.
Climate Modeling and Climate Feedbacks
As part of my work in the Atmospheric Modeling and Predictability Section at NCAR, I am actively engaged in trying to improve model formulations of physical processes, especially cloud processes. Most of my work has focused on understanding cloud microphysics, including the representation of clouds across scales and how they impact climate.
Cloud Microphysics and Aerosol Indirect Effects
I am working with colleagues to investigate the role of aerosols in climate and how they affect cloud radiative properties using advanced cloud microphysics and aerosols in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model. See my publications page for more details.
Ice Microphysics and Ice Supersaturation
Much of my work on cloud microphysics has focused on the ice and mixed phase and ice supersaturation in the atmosphere. Ice and mixed phase clouds are important for the planetary radiation balance, and critical for understanding the evolution of Arctic climate. Recent work of myself and collaborators is focusing on ice and supercooled liquid clodus over the Southern Ocean. More details on my publications page and Vita.