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User's Guide to NCAR CCM3.6 Search Page

1. Introduction

1.1 What is new with CCM3.6.6

CCM3.6.6 is the latest version of the NCAR Community Climate Model. It is in the same family as CCM3.0 (Acker et. al., 1996) and therefore most of the code is the same with only minor changes to the physical parameterizations.  The simulated climate of CCM3.6.6 does not differ significantly from that of CCM3.2.  Changes marked with are changes since CCM3.6. Changes from CCM3.6 to CCM3.6.6 are bit-for-bit on all platforms except the Cray which is within roundoff of CCM3.6 simulations. Modifications include: 

The CCM3 news page contains the code-patches for CCM3.2 for all the bug-fixes. The code patches by nature show the code changes in CCM3.6 that fix the above problems.

1.1.1 CCM3.6 versus CCM3.2 climate simulations

Most globally and zonally averaged quantities are indistinguishable from the original CCM3 control simulations. The low frequency behavior of the the revised model is also the same as in the original control simulations. There are, however, some notable regional differences in the simulations involving land surface climate and precipitation. In particular, precipitation is slightly suppressed in the western Indian Ocean and tropical west Pacific during DJF, as is the Indian monsoon during JJA. The spatially coherent differences in the land surface climate include colder temperatures and a wetter climate over the JJA southern great plains.

The important point is that although most aspects of the simulated climate are virtually identical between the original (CCM3.2) and revised (CCM3.6) control simulations, there are some notable regional differences. Users should be aware that if they use the new CCM3.6 library they should also use the new CCM3.6 control simulations, especially if examining regional response. In most cases regional differences between the original and new simulations are negligible, although for certain applications the more robust regional differences should be considered in sensitivity analyses. See the CCM3 web page for information on the new control simulations.

Code and documentation for the Slab Ocean Model (SOM) and the Semi-Lagrangian Dynamics (SLD) are provided as an unsupported feature of the distribution. These features will be supported in future releases.

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    1.1.1 CCM3.6 versus CCM3.2 climate simulations

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest2 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:38:45 $ $Author: erik $