
Photo by Department of Atmospheric Sciences
The University of Washington Department of Atmospheric Sciences incoming class of 2006

University of Washington

Department of Atmospheric Sciences

PhD (2013) The atmospheric energy constraint on global precipitation change

Master of Science (2009), Time-averaged data assimilation for midlatitude climates: towards paleoclimate applications

Graduate research assistant, fall 2009, spring 2010-present
Graduate fellow (NDSEG and ARCS, 2006-09)
Honorary Program on Climate Change fellow (2006-07)

University of Miami

Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude, 2006
Majors: Meteorology/Math, Physics
Minor: French

Extracurriculars: UM Atmoclub (2004-06 president), Foote Fellow

Karl Cless
Raytheon Information Technology & Scientific Services Division Industry/Undergraduate Scholarship and Undergraduate Scholarship (AMS)
Bowman Foster Ashe, University of Miami