Access to the VEMAP Phase I Data Files
Note for Macintosh Users
- If you are using an early version of Netscape on a
Macintosh you
may have difficulty downloading files. This page describes how
ftp files directly from our anonymous ftpsite.
Monthly Files
Monthly files contain gridded monthly and annual values for
VEMAP variables (13
files per variable).
Daily Files
Daily files contain a one year time-series (365 values) for
non-background grid cells. The sequentially written
records include cell latitude and longitude along with the
daily values. Daily files are written in binary format and
be read with the FORTRAN read program found in:
/vdaily/biread.f and /vprograms/biread.f
Geographic Files
- Geographic files contain gridded information about each
grid cell, including cell latitude, longitude, elevation, land
and vegetation.
Scenario Files
- Scenario files are organized by model name (General
Circulation Model
(GCM) or nested regional climate model). Scenario files
describe the
monthly variation between a doubled CO2 climate and the base
VEMAP climate.
The gridded variables are expressed as either change ratios or
Soil Files
- Soil files describe various characteristics for each grid
(e.g., texture, bulk density, water holding capacity, soil
organic carbon, etc.). These characteristics are distributed
within three categories: mineral, organic, and total
mineral and organic).
Site Files
Site files contain monthly climate data and scenarios in column
format. We developed this time-sequential format to facilitate
data extraction for individual stations. README files
included under the /siteFiles directory give instructions on how
to find a particular grid cell.
Site files omit background grid cells, with a new line for each non-background
grid cell (3261 records). Each record lists
geographic information about the associated grid point
(latitude, longitude, elevation, state identification number,
and vegetation type) followed by 12 monthly
values (January-December).
Bulk transfer
We have archived multiple files into
GNU compressed UNIX
tarfiles for efficient data transfer. For example, all 12 gridded
monthly maximum temperature files are stored in TX_MON.tar.gz (a
'.gz' file suffix indicates that the tarfile has been compressed
using the
GNU software utility, 'gzip')
If you have any questions or problems with the files included in
database, we would appreciate your comments.
Tim Kittel
(303) 497-1606
Nan Rosenbloom
(303) 497-1617
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