The project's objectives are:
CGD's Ecosystem Dynamics and the Atmosphere Section participation in VEMAP included the development of a common model input database (VEMAP Data Project). Complete documentation for the VEMAP database is available in the "User's Guide to the VEMAP Phase I Database".
VEMAP is currently in the second phase of model intercomparison and analysis.
The objectives of this phase are to compare time-dependant ecological responses
of biogeochemical and coupled biogeochemical-biogeographical models to historical
and projected transient forcings across the conterminous U.S. These model
experiments will be driven by historical time series and projected transient
scenarios of climate, atmospheric CO2, and N-deposition.
VEMAP is supported by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) , NASA's Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE) , and USDA Forest Service Southern Global Change Program. Development of the VEMAP database was additionally supported by the National Science Foundation's Climate Dynamics Program through the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research's Climate System Modeling Program.
The VEMAP project is involved with several large U.S. and international
scientific programs. These include NASA's Earth
Observing System (EOS) Program, which supports several of the modeling
groups. Within the International Geosphere/Biosphere Program (IGBP), VEMAP
is a designated activity of the Global Change
and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) Core Project.
The set has both daily and monthly representations of the same long-term climate. Daily temperatures and precipitation were stochastically simulated with WGEN and daily solar radiation and humidity empirically estimated with CLIMSIM. We used orographically-adjusted precipitation, surface temperature, and surface wind speed monthly means to maintain consistency among these fields and with vegetation distribution. Vegetation classes were based on physiognomic and physiological properties that influence biogeochemical dynamics. Soils data include characteristics of the 1 -4 dominant soils per cell to account for subgrid variability. We derived climate change scenarios from the output of seven general circulation models (GCM's) and one nested regional climate model.
The VEMAP database is available through this webpage or directly via FTP. The data are presented in two forms:
If you would like to receive updates to the VEMAP database, you may subscribe to the vemap users mailing list.
Revised 09-07-2000 |