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List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Conceptual flowchart of the code.

Figure 3.1: Hybrid vertical coordinate.

Figure 3.2: Layout of main model buffers.

Figure 3.3: Use of SSD work units.

Figure 3.4: /com3d/ storage arrangement.

Figure 3.5: Spectral storage arrangement when running on a parallel vector processor.

Figure 3.6: Spectral storage arrangement when not running on a parallel vector processor.

Figure 3.7: History file format.

Figure 3.8: A typical history file latitude record.

Figure 3.9: History buffer layout.

Figure B: Flowchart

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest2 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:38:11 $ $Author: erik $