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User's Guide to NCAR CCM3.6 Search Page

List of Tables

Table 2.1: Directory hierarchy

Table 2.2: misc.h pre-processor tokens

Table 2.3: params.h pre-processor tokens

Table 2.4: preproc.h pre-processor tokens

Table 2.5: CCMEXP namelist Input Variables

Table 2.6: LSMEXP namelist input variables

Table 2.7: Atmospheric component initial dataset fields

Table 2.8: Additional Slab Ocean Model initial dataset fields

Table 2.9: Slab Ocean Model time-varying boundary dataset fields

Table 2.10: Land Surface Model: initial dataset time invariant fields

Table 2.11:Land Surface Model: initial dataset time variant fields

Table 2.12: Land Surface Model: resolution independent datasets

Table 2.13: Master field list

Table 2.14: Additional fields on a monthly-averaged primary history file

Table 3.1: History file header record 1-- integer variables

Table 3.2: History file header record 2 -- character variables

Table 3.3: History file header record 3 -- real variables

Table 3.4: Description of field information list arrays

Table 4.1: SI Units of History File Fields

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest2 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:38:16 $ $Author: erik $