Curriculum Vitae

People at NCAR: Peter Hjort Lauritzen


Refereed Publications - Journals

  1. Willson, Justin L. and 26 co-authors, 2024: DCMIP2016: the tropical cyclone test case, Geosci. Model Dev., DOI:10.5194/gmd-2023-87. [Abstract]

  2. Oksana Guba, Mark A. Taylor, Peter A. Bosler, Christopher Eldred and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2023: Energy conserving physics for nonhydrostatic dynamics in mass coordinate models, Geosci. Model Dev., DOI:10.5194/gmd-2023-184. [Abstract]

  3. Han-Li Liu, Wenbin Wan, Joseph Huba, Peter H. Lauritzen, and Francis Vitt, 2023: Atmospheric and Ionospheric Responses to Hunga-Tonga Volcano Eruption Simulated by WACCM-X, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1029/2023GL103682. [Abstract] EOS Editor Hightlights

  4. Adam H. Herrington, Peter H. Lauritzen, Marcus Lofverstrom, William H. Lipscomb, Andrew Gettelman, Mark A. Taylor, 2022: Impact of Grids and Dynamical Cores in CESM2.2 on the Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., DOI: 10.1029/2022MS003192. [Abstract]

  5. Xingying Huang, Andrew Gettelman, William C. Skamarock, Peter H. Lauritzen, Miles Curry, Adam Herrington, John T. Truesdale and Michael Duda, 2022: Advancing Precipitation Prediction Using a New Generation Storm-resolving Model Framework – SIMA-MPAS (V1.0): a Case Study over the Western United States, Geosci. Model Dev., DOI: 10.5194/gmd-2022-111. [Abstract]

  6. Peter H. Lauritzen and 18 co-authors, 2022: Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs), J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., DOI: 10.1029/2022MS003117. [Abstract] EOS Editor Hightlights

  7. Lianet Hernández Pardo, Hugh Morrison, Peter H. Lauritzen, and Mira Pöhlkera, 2022: Impact of advection schemes on tracer inter-relationships in large-eddy simulations of deep convection, Mon. Wea. Rev., DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-22-0025.1. [Abstract]

  8. Rebecca H. Schwantes and co-authors, 2022: Evaluating the impact of chemical complexity and horizontal resolution on tropospheric ozone over the conterminous US with a global variable resolution chemistry model. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst.: DOI: 10.1029/2021MS002889. [Abstract]

  9. Bryce E. Harrop, Michael Pritchard, Hossein Parishani, Andrew Gettelman, Samson Hagos, Peter H. Lauritzen, Ruby Leung, Jian Lu, Kyle Pressel and Koichi Sakaguchi, 2021: Conservation of dry air, water, and energy in CAM and its potential impact on tropical rainfall , J. Climate: DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0512.1. [Abstract]

  10. A. Gupta, E. P. Gerber, R. Alan Plumb and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2021: Numerical impacts on tracer transport: Diagnosing the impact of dynamical core and resolution on the stratospheric transport in Atmospheric General Circulation Models, J. Atmos. Sci., DOI: 10.1002/qj.3881. [Abstract]

  11. S. Kato, Norman G. Loeb, John T. Fasullo, Kevin E. Trenberth, Peter H. Lauritzen, Fred G. Rose, David A. Rutan, Masaki Satoh, 2021: Regional energy and water budget of a precipitating atmosphere over ocean, J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0175.1. [Abstract]

  12. A. Gupta, E. P. Gerber and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2020: Numerical impacts on tracer transport: A proposed intercomparison test of Atmospheric General Circulation Models, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., DOI: 10.1002/qj.3881. [Abstract]

  13. I.R. Simpson, J. Bacmesiter, C. Hannay, A. Gettelman, R. Garcia, Peter H. Lauritzen, D.R. Marsh, M.J. Mills, B. Medeiros amd J.H. Richter, 2019: An evaluation of the large scale atmospheric circulation and its variability in the Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) and other CMIP models, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., DOI: 10.1029/2019MS001916. [Abstract]

  14. Thomas Toniazzo, Mats Bentsen, Cheryl Craig, Brian Eaton, James Edwards, Steve Goldhaber, Christiane Jablonowsi and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2020: Enforcing conservation of axial angular momentum in the community atmosphere model (CAM), Geosci. Model Dev., DOI: 10.5194/gmd-13-685-2020. [Abstract]

  15. G. Danabasoglu and co-authors, 2020: The Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2), J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., DOI: 10.1029/2019GL086940. [Abstract]

  16. Gerald A. Meehl and 15 co-authors, 2020: Effects of model resolution, physics, and coupling on Southern Hemisphere storm tracks in CESM1.3, Geophysical Research Letters: DOI: 10.1029/2019GL084057. [Abstract]

  17. Adam R. Herrington, Peter H. Lauritzen, Kevin A  Reed, Steve Goldhaber, and Brian Eaton, 2019: Exploring a lower resolution physics grid in CAM-SE-CSLAM. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., DOI:10.1029/2019MS001684. [Abstract]

  18. Zarzycki, C. M., Jablonowski, C., Kent, J., Peter H. Lauritzen, and 22 co-authors, 2019: DCMIP2016: The Splitting Supercell Test Case: Geosci. Model Dev., DOI:10.5194/gmd-12-879-2019. [Abstract]

  19. Peter H. Lauritzen and D. L. Williamson, 2019: A total energy error analysis of dynamical cores and physics-dynamics coupling in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM): J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., DOI:10.1029/2018MS001549. [Abstract]

  20. Adam R. Herrington, Peter H. Lauritzen, Mark A. Taylor, Steve Goldhaber, Brian Eaton, Kevin A  Reed and Paul A. Ullrich, 2018: Physics-dynamics coupling with element-based high-order Galerkin methods: quasi equal-area physics grid: Mon. Wea. Rev., DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-18-0136.1 [Abstract]. PDF (45 MB)

  21. Ariane Frassoni and co-authors, 2018: Building the next generation of climate modelers: scale-aware physics parameterization and the "Grey Zone" challenge": BAMS, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0145.1 [Abstract].

  22. Markus Gross and co-authors, 2018: Review of Physics-Dynamics coupling in weather, climate and Earth system models: Challenges and recent progress: Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 3505-3544, DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-17-0345.1 [Abstract]

  23. Peter H. Lauritzen and co-authors, 2018: NCAR release of CAM-SE in CESM2.0: A reformulation of the spectral-element dynamical core in dry-mass vertical coordinates with comprehensive treatment of condensates and energy: J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., DOI:10.1029/2017MS001257. [Abstract]

  24. A. Gettelman , P. Callaghan , V. E. Larson , C. M. Zarzycki , J. Bacmeister , P. H. Lauritzen , P. A. Bogenschutz, R. Neale, 2018: Regional Climate Simulations with the Community Earth System Model: J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., DOI:10.1002/2017MS001227. [Abstract]

  25. Han-Li Liu and co-authors, 2018: Development and Validation of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with Thermosphere and Ionosphere Extension (WACCM-X 2.0): J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., DOI:10.1002/2017MS001232. [Abstract]

  26. P.A. Ullrich, C. Jablonowski, J. Kent, Peter H. Lauritzen, and 28 co-authors, 2017: DCMIP2016: A Review of Non-hydrostatic Dynamical Core Design and Intercomparison of Participating Models.: Geosci. Model Dev.. 10, 4477-4509, DOI:10.5194/gmd-10-4477-2017. [Abstract]

  27. Peter H. Lauritzen, Mark A. Taylor, James Overfelt, Paul A. Ullrich, Ramachandran D. Nair, Steve Goldhaber and R. Kelly, 2016: CAM-SE-CSLAM: Consistent finite-volume transport with spectral-element dynamics.: Mon. Wea. Rev.. DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0258.1. [Abstract]

  28. Peter H. Lauritzen, Julio T. Bacmeister, Patrick Callaghan and Mark A. Taylor, 2015: NCAR Global Model Topography Generation Software for Unstructured Grids. Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 3975-3986, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-3975-2015. [Abstract]. Topo software URL.

  29. Peter H. Lauritzen, A.J. Conley, J.-F. Lamarque, F. Vitt, and M.A. Taylor, 2015: The terminator "toy"-chemistry test: A simple tool to assess errors in transport schemes Geosci. Model Dev.: 8, 1299-1313, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1299-2015. [Abstract]. Terminator test URL .

  30. Koichi Sakaguchi, L. Ruby Leung, Chun Zhao, Qing Yang, Jian Lu, Samson Hagos, Sara A. Rauscher, Li Dong, Todd D. Ringler, and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2014: Exploring a multi-resolution approach using AMIP simulations J. Climate: DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00729.1.

  31. Kevin A. Reed, Brian Madeiros, Julio T. Bacmeister, and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2015: Global radiative-convective equilibrium in the Community Atmosphere Model 5 J. Atm. Sci.: 72, 2183-2197. DOI:10.1175/JAS-D-14-0268.1. [Abstract]

  32. Kevin A. Reed, Julio T. Bacmeister, Nan Rosenbloom, Michael F. Wehner, Susan C. Bates, and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2015: Impact of the dynamical core on the direct simulation of tropical cyclones in a high-resolution global model Geo. Res. Lett.: 42, 3603-3608. DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063974. [Abstract]

  33. May Wong, William C. Skamarock, Peter H. Lauritzen, Joseph B. Klemp, and Roland B. Stull, 2014: Testing of a cell-integrated semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit nonhydrostatic atmospheric solver (CSLAM-NH) with idealized topography Mon. Wea. Rev.: 143, 1382-1398. DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-14-00059.1

  34. H.-L. Liu, J.M. McInerney, S. Santos, P.H. Lauritzen, M.A. Taylor, N.M. Pedatella, 2014: Gravity waves simulated by high-resolution Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model. J. Geo. Res.: 41(24), 9106-9112. DOI:10.1002/2014GL062468.

  35. Sarvesh Dubey, Rashmi Mittal, Peter H. Lauritzen, 2014: A Flux-Form Conservative Semi-Lagrangian multi-tracer transport scheme (FF-CSLAM) for Icosahedral Hexagonal grids J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst.: 06, doi:10.1002/2013MS000259, [Abstract]

  36. Peter H. Lauritzen, Julio T. Bacmeister, Thomas Dubos, Sebastien Lebonnois, Mark A. Taylor, 2014: Held-Suarez simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model Spectral Element (CAM-SE) dynamical core: a global axial angular momentum analysis using Eulerian and floating Lagrangian vertical coordinates. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst. 6: doi:10.1002/2013MS000268. [Abstract]

  37. Peter H. Lauritzen, P. A. Ullrich, C. Jablonowski, P. A. Bosler, D. Calhoun, A. J. Conley, T. Enomoto, L. Dong, S. Dubey, O. Guba, A. B. Hansen, E. Kaas, J. Kent, J.-F. Lamarque, M. J. Prather, D. Reinert, V. V. Shashkin, W. C. Skamarock, B. Sørensen, M. A. Taylor, and M. A. Tolstykh, 2014: A standard test case suite for two-dimensional linear transport on the sphere: results from a collection of state-of-the-art schemes. Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 105-145. doi:10.5194/gmd-7-105-2014. [Abstract].

  38. Paul A. Ullrich, Peter H. Lauritzen, C. Jablonowski, 2014: A high-order fully explicit `incremental-remap'-based semi-Lagrangian shallow-water model International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids: 75, 103-133. DOI: 10.1002/fld.3887. [Abstract] PDF (2.2MB)

  39. Julio T. Bacmeister, Richard B. Neale, Andrew Gettelman, Cecile Hannay, Peter H. Lauritzen, Julie Caron, John Truesdale, and Michael Wehner, 2014: Exploratory high-resolution climate simulations using the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) J. Climate: 27, 3073-3099. DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00387.1. [Abstract]

  40. May Wong, William C. Skamarock, Peter H. Lauritzen, Joseph B. Klemp, and Roland B. Stull, 2013: A compressible nonhydrostatic cell-integrated semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit solver (CSLAM-NH) with consistent and conservative transport Mon. Wea. Rev.: 142, 1669-1687. DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-13-00210.1. [Abstract], PDF (2.9MB)

  41. Eigil Kaas, Brian Sørensen, Peter H. Lauritzen, and Ayoe Buus Hansen, 2013: A hybrid Eulerian Lagrangian numerical scheme for solving prognostic equations in fluid dynamics. Geosci. Model Dev.: 6, 2023-2047. DOI:10.5194/gmd-6-2023-2013 [Abstract]

  42. Christoph Erath and Peter H. Lauritzen, and Henry M Tufo. 2013: On mass-conservation in high-order high-resolution rigorous remapping schemes on the sphere Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 2128-2133. DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-13-00002.1. [Abstract] PDF (4.0MB)

  43. Richard B. Neale, Jadwiga Richter, Sangsu Park, Peter H. Lauritzen, Steven J. Vavrus, Philip J. Rasch and Minghua Zhang, 2013: The mean climate of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM4) in forced SST and fully coupled experiments. J. Climate: Vol. 26, 5150-5168. DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00236.1. [Abstract]

  44. May Wong, William C. Skamarock, Peter H. Lauritzen, and Roland B. Stull, 2013: A cell-integrated semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit shallow-water model (CSLAM-SW) with conservative and consistent transport Mon. Wea. Rev.: Vol. 141, 2545-2560. DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-12-00275.1 [Abstract], PDF (5.7MB)

  45. Sebastien Lebonnois, Curt Curvey, Allen Grossman, Helen Parish, Gerald Shubert, Richard Walterscheid, Peter H. Lauritzen, and Christiane Jablonowski, 2012: Angular Momentum Budget in General Circulation Models of Superrotating Atmospheres: A Critical Diagnostic J. Geophys. Res. - Planets: Vol. 117, Issue E12. DOI:10.1029/2012JE004223. [Abstract], PDF (2.3MB)

  46. Katherine J. Evans, Peter H. Lauritzen, S. Mishra, R. Neale, M.A. Taylor, J.J.Tribbia, 2012: AMIP Simulations with the CAM4 Spectral Element Dynamical Core J. Climate: Vol. 26, 689-709. DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00448.1 [Abstract]

  47. Paul A. Ullrich, Peter H. Lauritzen, C. Jablonowski, 2012: Some considerations for high-order `incremental remap'-based transport schemes: edges, reconstructions and area integration. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids: Vol. 71,pp. 1131-1151. DOI: 10.1002/fld.3703. [Abstract], PDF (0.8MB)

  48. Christoph Erath, Peter H. Lauritzen, Jose H. Garcia and Henry M. Tufo, 2012: Integrating a scalable and efficient semi-Lagrangian multi-tracer transport scheme in HOMME. Procedia Computer Science, 9, 994-1003.DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2012.04.106 [Abstract]

  49. Kevin Raeder, Jeffrey L. Anderson, Nancy Collins, Timothy J. Hoar, Jennifer E. Kay, Peter H. Lauritzen and Robert Pincus, 2012: DART/CAM: An Ensemble Data Assimilation System for CESM Atmospheric Models J. Climate: 25 (18):6304-6317. DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00395.1 [Abstract], PDF (1.7MB)

  50. Peter H. Lauritzen, William B. Skamarock, Michael J. Prather and Mark A. Taylor, 2012: A standard test case suite for two-dimensional linear transport on the sphere Geosci. Model Dev.: Vol. 5, pp. 887-901, DOI:10.5194/gmd-5-887-2012. [abstract], PDF (3.6MB)

  51. Julio Bacmeister, Peter H. Lauritzen, Aiguo Dai and John E. Truesdale, 2011: Assessing possible dynamical effects of condensate in high resolution climate simulations Geophys. Res. Lett.: Vol. 39, L04806, 5 PP. DOI:10.1029/2011GL050533. [Abstract], PDF (1.2MB)

  52. Jean-François Lamarque, L.K. Emmons, P.G. Hess, D.E. Kinnison, S.Tilmes, F.Vitt, C.L. Heald, E.A. Holland, Peter H. Lauritzen, J.Neu, J.J. Orlando, P.J. Rasch, and G.K. Tyndall, 2012: CAM-chem: description and evaluation of interactive atmospheric chemistry in CESM. Geosci. Model Dev.: Vol. 5, 369-411. DOI:10.5194/gmd-5-369-2012. [Abstract]

  53. Peter H. Lauritzen and John Thuburn, 2012: Evaluating advection/transport schemes using interrelated tracers, scatter plots and numerical mixing diagnostics. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc.: Vol. 138, pp. 906–918, DOI:10.1002/qj.986. [Abstract], PDF (3.9MB)

  54. John Dennis, Jim Edwards, Katherine J. Evans, Oksana N. Guba, Peter H. Lauritzen, Arthur A. Mirin, Amik St-Cyr, Mark A. Taylor, Patrick H. Worley, 2011: CAM-SE: A scalable spectral element dynamical core for the Community Atmosphere Model., Int. J. High. Perform. C.: Vol. 26(1), 74-89. DOI:10.1177/1094342011428142. [Abstract] PDF (14.1MB)

  55. Peter H. Lauritzen, Christoph Erath and Rashmi Mittal, 2011: On simplifying `incremental remap'-type transport schemes J. Comput. Phys.: 230, pp. 7957–7963. DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2011.06.030. [Abstract], PDF (0.2MB)

  56. Peter H. Lauritzen, Art Mirin, John Truesdale, Kevin Raeder, Jeffrey Anderson, Julio Bacmeister and Richard B. Neale, 2011: Implementation of new diffusion/filtering operators in the CAM-FV dynamical core Int. J. High. Perform. C., Vol. 26 (Issue 1), pp. 63–73. DOI:10.1177/1094342011410088 (June 2, 2011). [Abstract], PDF (5.2MB)

  57. Jared Whitehead, Christiane Jablonowski, Richard B. Rood and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2011: A stability analysis of divergence damping on a latitude-longitude grid. Mon. Wea. Rev.: Vol. 139, No. 9, pp. 2976–2993. DOI: 10.1175/2011MWR3607.1. [Abstract], PDF (2.2MB)

  58. Saroj K. Mishra, Mark A. Taylor, Ramachandran D. Nair, Peter H. Lauritzen, Henry M. Tufo and Joseph J. Tribbia, 2011: Evaluation of the HOMME Dynamical Core in the Aquaplanet Configuration of NCAR CAM4: Rainfall J. Climate, Vol.24, pp.4037–4055. DOI: 10.1175/2011JCLI3860.1. [Abstract]. PDF (0.8 MB)

  59. Lucas M. Harris, Peter H. Lauritzen and Rashmi Mittal, 2011: A Flux-form version of the Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Multi-tracer transport scheme (CSLAM) on the cubed sphere grid. J. Comput. Phys.: Vol. 230, Issue 4, pp. 1215–1237, DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2010.11.001. [Abstract], PDF (2.3 MB).

  60. Ramachandran D. Nair and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2010: A Class of Deformational Flow Test Cases for Linear Transport Problems on the Sphere. J. Comput. Phys.: Vol. 229, Issue 23, pp. 8868–8887, DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2010.08.014. [Abstract], PDF (5.5 MB)

  61. Peter H. Lauritzen, Christiane Jablonowski, Mark  Taylor and Ramachandran D. Nair, 2010: Rotated versions of the Jablonowski steady-state and baroclinic wave test cases: A dynamical core intercomparison. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., Vol. 2, Art. #15, 34 pp., DOI:10.3894/JAMES.2010.2.15. [Abstract], PDF (8.3 MB)

  62. Peter H. Lauritzen, Ramachandran D. Nair and Paul A. Ullrich, 2010: A conservative semi-Lagrangian multi-tracer transport scheme (CSLAM) on the cubed-sphere grid. J. Comput. Phys.: Vol. 229, Issue 5, pp. 1401–1424, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2009.10.036. [Abstract], PDF (2.0 MB)

  63. Andrew Gettelman, Peter H. Lauritzen, M. Park and Jennifer Kay, 2009: Processes Regulating Short Lived Species in the TTL, J. Geophys. Res.: Vol. 114, D13303, DOI:10.1029/2009JD011785. [Abstract], PDF (0.6 MB)

  64. Paul A. Ullrich, Peter H. Lauritzen and Christiane Jablonowski, 2009: Geometrically Exact Conservative Remapping (GECoRe): Regular latitude-longitude and cubed-sphere grids. Mon. Wea. Rev.: Vol. 137, No. 6, pp. 1721–1741. DOI: 10.1175/2008MWR2817.1 [Abstract], PDF (0.6 MB).

  65. Peter H. Lauritzen, Eigil Kaas, Bennert Machenhauer and Karina Lindberg, 2008: A Mass-Conservative Version of the Semi-Implicit Semi-Lagrangian HIRLAM. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc.: Vol. 134 Issue 635, pp. 1583–1595, DOI:10.1002/qj.307 [Abstract], PDF (3.9 MB).

  66. Peter H. Lauritzen and Ramachandran D. Nair, 2008: Monotone and conservative Cascade Remapping between Spherical grids (CaRS): Regular latitude-longitude and cubed-sphere grids. Mon. Wea. Rev.: Vol. 136, No. 4, pp. 1416–1432. DOI: 10.1175/2007MWR2181.1. [Abstract], PDF (0.5 MB)

  67. Peter H. Lauritzen, 2007: A Stability Analysis of Finite-Volume Advection Schemes Permitting Long Time Steps. Mon. Wea. Rev.: Vol. 135, No. 7,pp. 2658–2673. DOI: 10.1175/MWR3425.1 [Abstract], PDF (1.0 MB)

  68. Peter H. Lauritzen, Eigil Kaas and Bennert Machenhauer, 2006: A Mass-Conservative Semi-Implicit Semi-Lagrangian Limited-Area Shallow-Water Model on the Sphere. Mon. Wea. Rev.: Vol. 134, No. 4, pp. 1205–1221. DOI: 10.1175/MWR3115.1 [Abstract], PDF (1.1 MB)


Refereed Publications - Book Chapters


Non-Refereed Publications

  • Richard B. Neale, Jadwiga H. Richter, Andrew J. Conley, Sungsu Park, Peter H. Lauritzen, Andrew Gettelman, David L. Williamson, Philip J. Rasch, Stephen J. Vavrus, Mark A. Taylor, William D. Collins, Minghua Zhang, Shian-Jiann Lin, 2010: Description of the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM 4.0), NCAR Tech. Note TN-485. PDF (2.0 MB)

  • Christiane Jablonowski, Peter H. Lauritzen, Mark Taylor and Ramachandran D. Nair, 2008: Idealized test cases for the dynamical cores of Atmospheric General Circulation Models: A proposal for the NCAR ASP 2008 summer colloquium, PDF (10.4 MB)


Articles in preparation, submitted or revising

  • Peter H. Lauritzen et al., 2022: Towards an energy consistent coupling of the height-based Model for Prediction Across Scales Atmosphere (MPAS-A) dynamical core with the pressure-based Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) physics packages, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst.. (in prep.)


Posters (first author only)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and co-authors, 2023: Reconciling and Improving Formulations for Thermodynamics and Conservation Principles in Earth System Models (ESMs). AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, San Francisco.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2022: Version 2.0 of NCAR Global Model Topography Generation Software CESM Atmosphere Model Working Group meeting, 27th Annual CESM meeting (June 13-16). PDF (2.9MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and co-authors, 2019: On the integration of the FV3 dynamical core into NCAR's CESM. AGU Fall Meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco. PDF (2.4MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and co-authors, 2017: NCAR CESM2.0 release of CAM-SE: A reformulation of the spectral-element dynamical core in dry-mass vertical coordinates with comprehensive treatment of condensates and energy. AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, New Orleans. PDF (5.3MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, Mark A. Taylor, Steve Goldhaber, Paul A. Ullrich, J. Overfelt, Ramachandran D. Nair and R. Kelly, 2015: CAM-SE-CSLAM: Consistent finite- volume transport with spectral- element dynamics. AGU Fall Meeting, December 14-18, San Francisco. PDF (13.4MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, Mark A. Taylor, Steve Goldhaber, Julio T. Bacmeister, Ramachandran D. Nair, 2014: Physics-dynamics coupling with Galerkin methods: equal-area physics grid Workshop on the Solution of Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere, (April 7-11), Boulder, Colorado. PDF (3.2MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2013: Held-Suarez runs with CAM-SE: global axial angular momentum analysis using Eulerian and floating Lagrangian vertical coordinates CESM Atmosphere Model Working Group meeting, 18th Annual CESM meeting, Breckenridge (June 17-20), Colorado. PDF (9.6MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, Julio Bacmeister, Mark A. Taylor, and Rich B. Neale, 2012: New CAM (NSF-DOE Community Atmosphere Model) topography generation software: CAM5.2. AGU Fall Meeting, December 3-8, San Francisco. PDF (6.9MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, William C. Skamarock, Michael J. Prather, Mark A. Taylor, and Christiane Jablonowski, 2012: Assessing accuracy of transport schemes in global climate-weather models. EGU General Assembly, April 22-27, Vienna, Austria. PDF (8.8MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and John Thuburn, 2011: Evaluating advection/transport schemes using interrelated tracers, scatter plots and numerical mixing diagnostics. AGU Fall Meeting, December 5-9, San Francisco.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and John Thuburn, 2011: Evaluating advection/transport schemes using interrelated tracers, scatter plots and numerical mixing diagnostics. Global-to-Regional Climate Simulation Workshop (DOE), August 3-5, Santa Fe, New Mexico. PDF (3.8MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and Lucas M. Harris, 2010: A Flux-form version of the Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Multi-Tracer Transport Scheme (CSLAM). DOE Climate Change Modeling Program Science Team Meeting, March 29-April 2, Washington DC. PDF (1.6MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, Ramachandran D. Nair and Paul A. Ullrich, 2009: A Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Multi-Tracer Transport Scheme (CSLAM) on the Cubed-Sphere. Presented at Newton Institute Workshop on Multi-Scale Modelling of the Atmosphere and Ocean, University of Reading, U.K. and presented by R. Nair at SciDAC Meeting, April 6-9th, Washington DC.  PDF (0.9MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, Christiane Jablonowski, Mark A. Taylor, Ramachandran D. Nair, 2008: Rotated versions of the Jablonowski-Williamson steady-state and baroclinic wave test case for global dynamical cores. Presented at American Geophysical Union Fall meeting (AGU 2008),  GIF (3.3MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and Ramachandran D. Nair, 2007: Monotone and conservative cascade remapping between Spherical grids (CaRS): Regular latitude-longitude and cubed-sphere grids. Presented at 12th Annual CCSM workshop (CCSM),  PDF (15.7MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2007: A Stability Analysis of Finite-Volume Advection Schemes Permitting Long Time Steps. Presented at European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2007 (EGU),  PDF (0.3 MB)

    This poster earned the 2007 European Geophysical Union Young Scientists Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) Award in the Atmospheric Science Division.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, Karina Lindberg, Egil Kaas and Bennert Machenhauer, 2006: A Locally Mass-Conservative Version of the Semi-Lagrangian HIRLAM. Presented at 11th Annual CCSM workshop (CCSM),  PDF (1.9 MB)


Presentations after January 2008 (first author only)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2024: . 5th Workshop on Physics-Dynamics Coupling in Weather and Climate Models, UK Met Office, Exeter, June 18-20. PDF (1.6MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2024: The future of dynamical cores in CESM. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, February 12-14. PDF (4.2MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2024: Changes to the hydrostatic spectral-elements dynamical core for CESM3: SE-CSLAM. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, February 12-14. PDF (1.6MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2024: AMWG (and CAM-SIMA) overview. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, February 12-14. PDF (3.0MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and Romain Roehrig, 2023: Physics-dynamics coupling and energy budgets in Earth System Models. 38th Session of the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE), November 27 - December 1, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (2.1MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2023: NCAR center update. 38th Session of the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE), November 27 - December 1, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (3.7MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2022: Towards an energy consistent coupling of the height-based Model for Prediction Across Scales Atmosphere (MPAS-A) dynamical core with the pressure-based Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) physics packages. WCRP Workshop on Modelling the Climate System at Ultra-High-Resolution, October 3-7, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (3.1MB)

  • Julio Bacmeister and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2023: Is low(er) resolution climate modeling dead?. CESM 28th Annual CESM Workshop Distinguished Achievement Award lecture, June 12 2023, NCAR. PDF (11.6MB)

  • Julio Bacmeister and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2023: CAM Development Updates. CESM Scientific Steering Committee meeting, May 22 2023, NCAR.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2023: Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs). Earth Energy Imbalance Assessment Workshop, May 15-17 2023, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Rome, Italy. PDF (2.6MB)

  • Julio Bacmesiter and Peter H. Lauritzen, 2023: Update on activities at the Atmospheric Modeling Program (AMP) related to the Water Cycle: 1) Background and recent development; 2) CESM2 and MPAS merge. Water System Retreat, April 26-28, NCAR.PDF (2.6MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2022: Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs). Laboratoire de Metéorologie Dynamique (LMD), Paris, December 5, Paris, France. PDF (5.4MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2022: Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs). NOAA/EMC (Environmental Modeling Center)/MDAB (Modeling & Data Assimilation Branch) Physics seminar, December 1, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (5.4MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2022: NCAR center update. 37th Session of the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE), November 8-10, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (3.3MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2022: Towards an energy consistent coupling of the height-based Model for Prediction Across Scales Atmosphere (MPAS-A) dynamical core with the pressure-based Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) physics packages. WCRP Workshop on Modelling the Climate System at Ultra-High-Resolution, October 3-7, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (3.1MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2022: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics. Lecture at the Community Earth System Model (CESM) tutorial, August 8-12, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (44MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2022: Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs), 4th workshop on Physics-Dynamics Coupling in Weather and Climate Models (PDC22), Princeton NJ, June 1-3. [PDF (4MB)]

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2022: Current status of the CAM dynamical cores and enthalpy flux plans. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, February 7-10. PDF (3.7MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2022: The challenge of energy budget closure in Earth system models, AMS 102nd Annual Meeting, January 24. PDF (4.2MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2021: SIMA dynamical core update. SIMA & CESM cross-working group meeting, June 15. PDF (5.1MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2021: Missing enthalpy flux in CAM. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) summer meeting, CESM workshop, June 15. PDF (4.2MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2021: The challenge of energy budget closure in Earth system models, CGD seminar series, March 16. PDF (24.3MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2021: CESM Atmosphere Dynamical Cores, CESM Advisory Board Meeting, January 21.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2020: CESM Dynamical Core, 35th Session of the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE), November 5. PDF (13.6MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2020: Atmosphere dycores, CESM Scientific Steering Committee, November 28.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2020: Atmosphere dycores, CESM Scientific Steering Committee, April 6.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2020: Coupled simulations with FV, FV3 and SE-CSLAM. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, March 9-11. PDF (11.2MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2020: Atmosphere dycores, CESM Advisory Board Meeting, January 23.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2019: A total energy error analysis of dynamical cores and physics-dynamics coupling in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). Workshop on Physics-Dynamics Coupling in Earth System Models, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), Banff, Canada (October 13-18). PDF (100MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2019: Evaluating the Physics at a Lower Resolution in CAM-SE-CSLAM. Workshop on the Solution of Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere, Montreal, Canada (April 29 - May 3). PDF (29MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2019: A total energy error analysis of dynamical cores and physics-dynamics coupling in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). Workshop on the Solution of Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere, Montreal, Canada (April 29 - May 3). PDF (67MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2019: Dynamical core development opportunities. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, Boulder (February 20). PDF (6.4MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2019: The challenge of Energy budget closure in Earth system models. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, Boulder (February 20). PDF (35.3MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: The challenge of Energy budget closure in Earth system models. Solicited talk at WCRP workshop on The Earth's Energy Imbalance and its implications, 13 - 16 November 2018, Toulouse, France. PDF (41.1MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Update/Plans on High resolution Atmospheric Modeling. CESM Scientific Steering Committee meeting, Boulder, October 11. PDF (7.5MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Climate modeling with the spectral-element method. Minisymposium on Numerical Methods for Weather, Oceans and Climate, 2018 SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth, Philadephia, September 13-14. PDF (48MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Formulation of Transport. Fundamentals of Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosol Modeling, August 13-15, NCAR, Boulder. Lecture 1 PDF (91MB); Lecture 2 PDF (27MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics. Lecture at the Community Earth System Model (CESM) tutorial, August 6-10, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (41MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Physics-dynamics coupling with element-based high-order Galerkin methods: quasi equal-area physics grid. 3rd workshop on Physics Dynamics Coupling (PDC18), ECMWF, Reading (July 11). PDF (65 MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Dynamical Cores and Singletrack. 22th Annual CESM meeting (June 20). PDF (12 MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Galerkin methods for global weather-climate models. Meeting with Vulcan representatives, Boulder (March 1).

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Dynamical core requirements in CAM moving forward. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, Boulder (February 12). PDF (11.0MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Separating dynamics, physics and tracer transport grids in a global climate model. 2nd WCRP Summer School on Climate Model Development: Scale-aware parameterizations for representing sub-grid scale processes, Center for Weather Forecast and Climate studies, Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, Cachoeira Paulista (January 22-31). PDF (40.4MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Spectral-element dynamical core II. 2nd WCRP Summer School on Climate Model Development: Scale-aware parameterizations for representing sub-grid scale processes, Center for Weather Forecast and Climate studies, Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, Cachoeira Paulista (January 22-31). PDF (18.2MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Spectral-element dynamical core I. 2nd WCRP Summer School on Climate Model Development: Scale-aware parameterizations for representing sub-grid scale processes, Center for Weather Forecast and Climate studies, Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, Cachoeira Paulista (January 22-31). PDF (8.8MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Transport in climate/weather models: Desirable properties of transport schemes. 2nd WCRP Summer School on Climate Model Development: Scale-aware parameterizations for representing sub-grid scale processes, Center for Weather Forecast and Climate studies, Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, Cachoeira Paulista (January 22-31). PDF (39.5MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2018: Introduction to global modeling. 2nd WCRP Summer School on Climate Model Development: Scale-aware parameterizations for representing sub-grid scale processes, Center for Weather Forecast and Climate studies, Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, Cachoeira Paulista (January 22-31). PDF (29.8MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2017: Revisiting viscosity coefficients and topography in NCAR CAM-SE. CESM Atmosphere Model Working Group meeting, 21th Annual CESM meeting. PDF (24.3MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2017: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics. Lecture at the Community Earth System Model (CESM) tutorial, August 14-18, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (39MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2017: Representation of topography in dynamical cores. The Interaction of PRecipitation with Orography (IPRO), NCAR ASP Summer Colloquium (June 5-16). PDF (32.4MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2017: On the development of the NCAR CAM-SE-CSLAM with separate physics grids. Solution of Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France (April 5). PDF (16.9MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2017: CAM dynamical cores. CESM Working Group Meeting – Joint Session, Boulder (March 1). PDF (10.7MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2017: CESM2 release of CAM-SE (& CAM-SE-CSLAM). CESM joint Session of Atmosphere Model, Chemistry-Climate and Whole Atmosphere Working Groups, Boulder (March 1). PDF (15.5MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2017: An Overview of the Simplified CESM2 Model Configurations. Atmosphere Model Working Groups, Boulder (February 28). PDF (15.6MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2016: Physics-dynamics coupling in CAM-SE. Physics Dynamics Coupling in Weather and Climate Models, September 20-22, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. PDF (8.4MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2016: Atmosphere Modeling II: Dynamics. Lecture at the Community Earth System Model (CESM) tutorial, August 8-12, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (35MB); Jablonowski-Williamson baroclinic wave animation (26.5MB); Held-Suarez animation (15.7MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2016: Desirable properties of transport schemes. Lecture at Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP) summer school, June 6-17, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (38.0MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2016: Transport in climate/weather models. Lecture at Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP) summer school, June 6-17, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (40.6MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2016: Separating physics, dynamics and tracer grids on a global climate model Workshop on Multiscale Modeling and its Applications: From Weather to Climate models to Models of Materials Defects, The Fields Institute, Toronto (April 26). PDF (32.8MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2016: CAM-SE-CSLAM: Accelerated Finite-Volume Transport with Spectral-Element Dynamics. CGD seminar series, Boulder (February 23). PDF (27MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2016: CAM dynamics update: GMTED2010 topography and CAM-SE/MPAS. CESM joint Session of Atmosphere Model, Chemistry-Climate and Whole Atmosphere Working Groups, Boulder (February 10). PDF (28MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2016: CAM-SE-CSLAM: Separating physics, dynamics and tracer grids in CAM-SE. CMMAP (Center for Multiscale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes) Meeting, Boulder (January 7). PDF (56.6MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2015: CAM-SE-CSLAM: Consistent finite- volume transport with spectral- element dynamics. Solution of Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere, Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS), Seoul, Korea (October 19). PDF (40.0MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2015: Desired Properties of Transport Schemes for Coupled Atmospheric-Chemistry Models. Meteorology And Climate - Modeling for Air Quality (MAC-MAQ), Sacramento, California (September 16). PDF (33.0MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, M.A. Taylor, J. Overfelt, R.D. Nair, S. Goldhaber, P.A. Ullrich, 2015: CAM-SE-CSLAM: Consistent finite-volume transport with spectral-element dynamics. CESM Atmosphere Model Working Group meeting, 20th Annual CESM meeting, Breckenridge, Colorado (June 17). PDF (6.0MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, et al., 2015: CAM dynamics update: Separating physics-dynamics grids, tracers, .... Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado (February 18). PDF (26MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, M.A. Taylor, P.A. Ullrich, S. Goldhaber, Julio T. Bacmeister, 2014: Preparing CAM-SE for multi-tracer applications: CAM-SE-CSLAM. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, invited talk in session: Climatology and trends in extreme events in climate models capable of resolving regional-scale processes I (December 17). PDF (18.0MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2014: Physics-dynamics coupling with Galerkin methods: equal-area physics grid. Workshop on Physics dynamics coupling in geophysical models - bridging the gap, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Ensenada , Mexico (December 3). PDF (46MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2014: NCAR global climate model development: dynamical core, performance, and physics-dynamics coupling. Invited talk for the 20th annivasary of the Centre for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies (CPTEC), Atmospheric Modeling Seminar, Cachoeira Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil (October 6). PDF (22.5MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2014: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics. Lecture at the Community Earth System Model (CESM) tutorial, August 11-15, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (42.6MB); Jablonowski-Williamson baroclinic wave animation (26.5MB); Held-Suarez animation (15.7MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2014: NCAR climate model developments with focus on dynamics, consistency and coupling to parameterizations. Laboratoire de Meteorologie/University Pierre et Marie Curie & Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France (June 12). Invited talk.  

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2014: CAM dynamics and CSLAM update. ACES4BGC (Applying Computationally Efficient Schemes for BioGeochemical Cycles) - All Hands Project Meeting, Boulder (February). Invited talk.  

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, et al., 2014: CAM dynamics update. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado (February 12). PDF (12.3MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2013: Dynamical cores and climate modeling, DFD/GPC Minisymposium: Global Climate Models: Dynamical Cores, Strengths and Weaknesses, 66th Annual Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) meeting, American Physics Society, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Invited speaker . (November 24-26)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2013: Invited panelist at session on Weather and Climate Forecast Modeling, AMS Summer Community Meeting, Boulder, Colorado. (August 15). PDF (3.3MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2013: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics. Lecture at the Community Earth System Model (CESM) tutorial, August 12-16, NCAR, Boulder.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2013: Results from a transport scheme intercomparison and design of a new non-linear transport-chemistry test. Invited talk, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), Hamburg, Germany (July 23). PDF (39.0MB) (PPTX (60.0MB))

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2013: Conservative Semi-LAgrangian Multi-tracer scheme (CSLAM): a semi-implicit shallow-water and a fully compressible non-hydrostatic solver with fully consistent transport . Invited talk, ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), Reading, U.K. (July 3). PDF (13MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2013: CSLAM: Beyond linear transport. David L. Williamson symposium, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado (February 15).

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, et al., 2013: Tracer advection in CAM: new scheme and evaluation. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado (February 12). PDF (6.8MB), PPTX (24.9MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, et al., 2013: CAM-SE development update. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado (February 11). PDF (9.9MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, W.C. Skamarock, M.J. Prather, and M.A. Taylor, 2012: A standard test case suite for 2D linear transport on the sphere. Solution of Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere, September 24-28, Cambridge, UK. PDF (26.6MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2012: Tracer Advection I: Tracer transport, design philosophies of advection schemes. Lecture at Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP) summer school, July 30 - August 10, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (7.8MB), (animations) PPTX (19.1MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2012: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics. Lecture at the Community Earth System Model (CESM) tutorial, Jul 30 - August 3, NCAR, Boulder.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and Julio Bacmeister, 2012: Resolved and sub-grid-scale transport in CAM5-FV. ACD section meeting, NCAR (July 11), Colorado. PDF (6.8MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and Christoph Erath, 2012: Transport and rethinking orography in CAM. CESM Atmosphere Model Working Group meeting, 17th Annual CESM meeting, Breckenridge, Colorado. PDF (5.9MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2012: Dynamics II: CAM-SE, kinetic energy spectra and `water loading'. Summer school: An Introduction to Climate Modeling (May 28), University of Stockholm, Sweden. PDF (10.1MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2012: Model development theme: specification of resolved-scale and sub-grid-scale orography, and its effect on climate simulation. Summer school: An Introduction to Climate Modeling (May 28), University of Stockholm, Sweden. PDF (15.1MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2012: Supercomputing and climate modeling. Summer school: An Introduction to Climate Modeling (May 28), University of Stockholm, Sweden. PDF (20.0MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2012: Dynamics I: the CAM (Community Atmosphere Model) FV (Finite Volume) dynamical core. Summer school: An Introduction to Climate Modeling (May 28), University of Stockholm, Sweden. PDF (13.4MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2012: New transport test case suite. GFDL-NCAR Atmospheric GCM meeting (May 3), GFDL, Princeton

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2012: Topographic representation. GFDL-NCAR Atmospheric GCM meeting (May 3), GFDL, Princeton.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2012: NCAR efforts on transport in global climate models. Invited seminar at the Climate Change Science Institute (CCSI), Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL), Tennessee (February 28).

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2012: New topography software for CAM.CESM Atmosphere Model Working Group Meeting, Boulder (February 1).  PDF (12.2MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2011: The CSLaM transport scheme and new numerical mixing diagnostics. CESM Ocean Model Working Group Meeting, Boulder (December 14).

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2011: Update on WGNE-Sponsored Activity: 2012 NCAR Summer School and Model Intercomparison Workshop on Non-hydrostatic Global Models (led by C.Jablonowski). 27th WGNE (Working Group on Numerical Experimentation) meeting, Boulder (October 20).

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2011: Evaluating advection/transport schemes using interrelated tracers, scatter plots and numerical mixing diagnostics. Invited presentation at the University of Oslo (September 25) and the University of Copenhagen (September 20).

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2011: Evaluating advection/transport schemes using interrelated tracers, scatter plots and numerical mixing diagnostics. Workshop on Numerical Methods for Scale Interaction, September 21-23, Klima Campus, University of Hamburg.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2011: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics. Lecture at the Community Earth System Model (CESM) tutorial, August 1-5, NCAR, Boulder.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2011: Tracer transport in global climate models: a new multi-tracer algorithm and a new testing methodology. Seminar at the Department of informatics and mathematical modelling, Danish Technical University. (March 11).

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2010: Physical consistency and scalable algorithms. Panel discussion on "Pushing the Frontiers of Climate and Weather Models: High-Performance Computing, Numerical Techniques and Physical Consistency", SuperComputing 2010 (SC10), New Orleans. (Nov 18). PDF (7.1MB) (Invited panelist)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2010: Tracer transport: A new multi-tracer scheme, a new idealized test case suite, and a new methodology for quantifying numerical mixing. CGD seminar, NCAR, Boulder (Oct 26). PDF (36.7MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2010: Tracer transport: A new multi-tracer scheme, a new idealized test case suite, and a new methodology for quantifying numerical mixing. Seminar at the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Oct 19) (Invited presentation)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2010: Atmospheric dynamics - the CAM (Community Atmosphere Model) FV (Finite Volume) dynamical core. Lecture at the Community Earth System Model (CESM) tutorial, NCAR, Boulder.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and Ramachandran D. Nair, 2010: Some challenging idealized transport test cases for global models. Workshop on Global High-Resolution Cloud Modeling, Colorado State University (CSU), Fort Collins, Colorado. (June 15-17).PDF (8.4MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2010: A geometrically flexible conservative semi-Lagrangian scheme for multi-tracer transport. ESP seminar, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. (May 13) (Invited presentation). 

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2010: A geometrically flexible conservative semi-Lagrangian scheme for multi-tracer transport. Numerical Hierarchies for Climate Modeling, Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM), University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). (April 12-16) (Invited presentation). PDF (5.8MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2010: Conservative Tracer Transport in HOMME. Integrated Science Team Meeting of DOE's Climate Change Modeling Programs, Washington DC. (March 29-April 1) (Invited presentation). PDF (1.9MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2010: Transport in global climate models: (a) desirable properties, (b) CSLAM, (c) proposal for test case suite. DOE-BER transport project meeting, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (March 23) (Invited presentation).  PDF of presentation (a) - (2.5MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen and David L. Williamson, 2010: Dynamical core development. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado (February 12). PDF (8.8MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, Art Mirin, John Truesdale, Kevin Raeder, Jeff Anderson, 2010: New filtering options in CAM. Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) winter meeting, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado (February 10). PDF (13.7MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2009: Extension of CSLAM to icosahedral grids (triangles and hexagons/pentagons) and a flux-form version of CSLAM. Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), Hamburg, Germany (August 25).  (Invited presentation)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2009: Some NCAR activities on next generation global dynamical cores. Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), Copenhagen, Denmark (August 11).  PDF (13.1MB) (Invited presentation)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2009: Atmospheric dynamics - the CAM-FV dynamical core. Lecture at the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) Tutorial, NCAR, Boulder. PDF (4.3MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2009: Low resolution CAM - Preliminary results & future plans. CCSM Atmosphere Model Working Group meeting, Annual CCSM meeting, Breckenridge, Colorado.

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2009: Atmospheric dynamical cores. ICTP, Trieste, Italy. (Invited presentation)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, Ramachandran D. Nair and Paul A. Ullrich, 2009: A Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Multi-Tracer Transport Scheme (CSLAM) on the Cubed-Sphere. Presentation at Solution of Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere PDEs 2009, Santa Fe. PDF (4.3MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2008: Some algorithmic challenges in climate modeling. 2008 Young Investigators Symposium (October 13-15), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. PDF (9.0 MB) (Invited presentation)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2008: A mass-conservative version of the semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit HIRLAM using Lagrangian vertical coordinates. 4th Workshop on the Use of Isentropic & other Quasi-Lagrangian Vertical Coordinates in Atmosphere & Ocean Modeling (October 7-9), NOAA. PDF (4.3 MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2008: Finite-Volume Methods in Meteorology - a semi-Lagrangian view. NCAR ASP Summer Colloquium on Dynamical Cores (June 1-13), NCAR. PDF (10.1 MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2008: NCAR's 2008 ASP Summer Colloquium on Numerical Techniques for Global Atmospheric Models: Introduction. NCAR ASP Summer Colloquium on Dynamical Cores (June 1-13), NCAR. PDF (12.4 MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2008: Low resolution CAM. CCSM Atmosphere Model Working Group meeting (February), NCAR. PDF (0.7 MB)



  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2006: An Inherently Mass-Conservative Semi-Implicit Semi-Lagrangian Model. Ph.d. thesis: Department of Geophysics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 164 pp. PDF (4.3 MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 2002: A Study of Semi-Lagrangian Advection Schemes using Least Squares Interpolation. M.Sc. thesis: Department of Geophysics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 81 pp. PDF (2.5 MB)

  • Peter H. Lauritzen, 1998: An Introduction to Non-Linear Dynamics. B.Sc. thesis: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus, Denmark.



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